
Cards (46)

  • incarnation
    -'enfleshed'; belief that god took on human form and conditions to become Jesus
    -shows god's love for the human race
    -helps christians to value god's love
  • annunciation
    when the angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God
  • grace
    the unconditional and generous love that God shows to people who do not deserve it
  • sacraments
    the outward and visible sign of an invisible and spiritual grace (e.g.: baptism, confirmation, marriage etc.)
  • matthew's account of the annunciation

    focuses on joseph
  • luke's account of the annunciation

    focuses on Mary
  • son of man

    the title Jesus used for himself; emphasising his humanity
    -mark 8:31 -> "the son of man must undergo great suffering... be killed and then rise again after 3 days"
  • son of god
    jesus confirmed this title at the trial before the Jewish council; indicating he shares in god's nature and power
    -"are you the messiah, the son of GOD, the blessed one?"
    -"I am." - j money
  • three christian symbols

    -alpha & omega
  • what does the acronym ichthus stand for?

    jesus christ, son of god, saviour
  • what does the ichthus symbol represent

    -a declaration of faith - early days of christianity; slavery in egypt
    -to show signs of meetings
  • what do alpha and omega represent?

    alpha is first letter of Greek alphabet and omega is the last, they symbolise God and Jesus are involved in everything from begining to end
  • what does chi-rho symbolise

    reminder of the death of jesus who died for our salvation; comes from the greek work for christ
  • christ the redeemer 

    statue in Rio De Janiero of Jesus with outstretched arms, represent his obedience to God and love for all people
  • crucifix
    reminder of crucifixion of Jesus and God's act of love of freeing people from the power of sin and death
  • sacred heart

    statue of Jesus that represents his total self-giving love for all people
  • why does the sacred heart statue have flames coming from the heart

    to represent jesus' burning love for people
  • why does the sacred heart statue have a crown of thorns
    to represent the crown placed on his head by soldier who were mocking him during his crucifixion
  • why does the sacred heart statue have a hole through the heart

    to represent one of the soldiers piercing jesus' side with a spear after he died
  • catholic attitudes towards religious art 

    jesus was fully human; so anything that captures those qualities has value
    jesus was fully god; god revealed himself in the human form on earth so it is acceptable to portray him that way
    others: gives people to focus on something during prayer, can show aspects of god's work, and has a positive role in religious life
  • catholic attitudes against art
    -it isn't possible to show god accurately -> an infinite god cannot be accurately shown using finite means, such as in sculptures and paintings
    -art could mislead people from the true nature of god
    -against the 2nd commandment -> "you shall not make yourself an idol" (exodus)
  • beatitudes
    series of in which jesus blessed certain attitudes or approaches of living and said how they would be rewarded for them
  • "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth"
  • "blessed are the pure in heart for they will see god"
  • "blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy"
  • importance of the beatitudes

    by following them; we are taught what is morally right, according to god, so that we can live a life pleasing to him
  • the catholic church teaches that god is both..
    fully human and god
  • verbum domini 12
    "the eternal child became small.... he became child so that the word could be grasped by us"
  • sacrament
    outward sign of inward grace
  • who is the ultimate gift from god
  • seven sacraments

    sacrament of the sick
  • baptism
    when a person becomes a member of the church
  • give an action that happens during the baptism
    pouring of water on head: cleansing of sins
  • what is confirmation
    when a person chooses to confirm themselves as a member of the church
  • give an action that happens during confirmation
    anointing with oil
  • eucharist
    when a person receives the consecrated Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ
  • marriage
    exchange of rings/consent for marriage between a man and a woman
  • ordination
    a person committing to the church, as a priest or bishop etc.
  • give an action that happens during ordination

    laying on of hand / anointing with chrism -> gesture passes on the power of the holy spirit
  • reconciliation
    when a person confesses their sins to a priest and these are forgiven