Cards (9)

  • Stored Procedures

    A pre-written block of SQL statements that is saved in the database (pre-compiled), that you can call time and time again
  • Stored Procedures

    • They can be invoked with a call statement
    • They are used to encapsulate repetitive or complex database operations
  • Creating a Stored Procedure

    1. Change the delimiter
    2. CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name (param_spec1, param_spec2, ... )
    3. BEGIN
    4. SQL statements
    5. END
    6. Change the delimiter back
  • IN parameter

    Allows you to pass values into the procedure
  • OUT parameter

    Allows you to pass value back from procedure to the calling program
  • INOUT parameter

    Allows you to both pass and extract values
  • Calling a Stored Procedure

    CALL procedure_name (param_spec1, param_spec2, ...);
  • There are 2 ways to view the created Stored Procedures:
  • Dropping a Stored Procedure

    DROP procedure_name ;