Elizabeth Enq 4

Cards (17)

  • Elizabeth's potential suitors

    -E loved and respected him- granted a number of titles to him
    -unpopular in court
    -Cecil very against match- sets up alternative matches
    -Dudley family had a very bad reputation
    -rumours he killed his wife
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -strong catholic
    -saw marriage as his duty
    -E would've lost freedom almost immediately
    -formally rejected him as need blessing from Pope
    -would reinforce Anglo-Spanish alliance
    -may force him to make peace with rebellious
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -lavish spending in London made match popular
    -forced to give up because of rough seas- saw it as a sign from God not to marry
    -friend zoned him- soft rejection- E not keen
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -match revived by Cecil in 1564 to undermine Dudley
    -E happy to end match after MQS' overthrowing
    -son of Holy Roman Emperor
    -E said she couldn't marry anyone of a different religion
    -heavily catholic
    -he didn't want to live in England
    -she didn't intend to marry
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -PC persuaded her not to marry him
    -opposition from the public
    -catholic but not deeply committed
    -1579, 1581, 1582
    -courted for 10 years
    -age gap of 23 years
    -her rejection was a sacrifice of her own happiness for her people
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -enjoyed competition but wouldn't marry
    -england and france alliance if married
    -big age gap, he was 15 she was 32
    -suggested by leicester as an alternative to archduke charles
  • Elizabeth's potential suitors
    -she wanted to win French support for help in the Netherlands
    -E found him attractive
    -catholic, the match ended on religious terms
    -as relations with spain soured, a french alliance had some attractiveness
  • Domestic problems caused by the issue of marriage
    -PC prompted 1566 parliament to press on marriage
    -couldn't agree on who successor would be
    -matter of royal prerogative
    -autumn 1562 E had smallpox, issue discussed
  • Domestic problems caused by the issue of marriage
    -marriage and succession debated at length by parliament in Jan 1563
    -HOC raise issue in Jan 1559
    -matter of prerogative and therefore not to be discussed
    -wanted an heir or named successor
    -1566 Parliament pressed E to marry urgently
  • Domestic problems caused by the issue of marriage

    -E had a range of suitors
    -Cecil wasn't happy that E could marry dudley
    -robert dudley- cecil worked against it as it'd erode his power
    -archduke charles- norfolk, cecil and sussex supported match, leicester against it
    -duke of alencon- cecil supported it, leicester whipped up public opinion against match using sermons and pamphlets
  • using marriage to deal with foreign affairs

    -traditional ally with strong relations at start of E's reign
    -acts like she wanted to consider phillip ii to avoid excommunication
    -E knew that a friendship with france could force philip to compete for her favour
    -nov 1568 spanish bullion ships took refuge in english ports. part of a loan to pay spanish army
    -tried to distract to prevent domination of netherlands
    -she wanted to retain spain as a counterpoise to france
  • using marriage to deal with foreign issues
    -switched focus to france as relations with spain worsened
    -duke of anjou possibe match led to the treaty of blois where france and england aid eachother if threatened
  • using marriage to deal with foreign issues

    -E considers proposal of philip ii to avoid/ delay excommunication
    -privy councillors leicester, walsingham , knollys, mildmay and burghley believed france and spain had conspired dwiht church to get rid of protestantism
  • how did E use marriage in the foreign sphere?

    -balanced power between france and spain
    -able to flexibly react to changing foreign climate
    -prevented foreign invasion/ full control of netherlands
    -domestic problems continue- pressure to announce succession, threat from MQS who had a son
    -leaves her isolated with no ally when armada attacks
    -by 1584 she can no longer use this tactic as she is 50+ and cannot bear children
  • how successfully did E deal with the issue of succession?

    -no civil war
    -didn't marry agianst her will
    -never named a successor despite pressure
    -golden speech shows she maintained her positive image
    -e wrote regularly to james in later years with advice
    -uncertainty allowed Wentworth and Parsons room to spread rumour
    -by avoiding situation she created uncertainty
    -not conclusive that she never names James as her successor
    -essex also encouraged james to raise arms and demand to be recognised as heir
  • Elizabeth's gender enhanced her power

    -used her emotions as a political tool
    -her image portrayed publicly in ascension day tilts
    -Gloriana image also played off the idea of virgin queen devoted to her country and a loving mother
    -E insisted on flattery to enhance her image and encouraged loyalty
    -used her ladies in waiting to hear gossip of plot by norfolk to marry MQS
    -role of court centred around E- she wanted all attention on her as a woman
  • Elizabeth's gender inhibited her power
    -her temper could be uncertain
    -queens are usually seen as consort or wife to a sovereign
    -radical protestants use bible to argue that a female monarch is displeasing to god
    -privy chamber staffed by women who could be used to manipulate E
    -E could be fiercely jealous: 1574 Mary Shelton married John Scudamore, 'Betrayal' of Leicester for marrying Lettice Knollys