Cards (6)

  • Coding, Capacity & Duration: Evaluation Points
    • Duration: Bahrick
    • Coding: Baddeley
    • Capacity: Jacobs
  • Coding, Capacity & Duration: Duration (Bahrick) 

    Bahrick's experiment has high ecological validity as it was conducted using real life memories and information. This reflects real life and means that findings from this research can be applied to everyday human memory. However, there may have been external factors which affected the results. For example, some participants may still be in touch with classmates and therefore have rehearsal, affecting the results.
  • Coding (Baddeley): Disadvantages

    Baddeley's research was conducted in a lab experiment and was an artificial task. There may have been demand characteristics which would have increased the concentration and rehearsal. Baddeley's research findings are based on meaningless information, lacking ecological validity
  • Baddeley's research findings are based on meaningless information, lacking ecological validity
  • Coding (Baddeley): Advantages
    • High reliability
    • Standardised procedures of time between recall and presented for
    • Can be replicated with similar results
    • High control over variables
    • Number of words
    • Increasing the likelihood of the IV, affecting the DV
  • Capacity (Jacobs)
    Jacobs' research was conducted as an artificial task with meaningless information. This limits the validity of their findings as recall may be higher for meaningful information. However, as it was conducted in a lab experiment there is high reliability as there would have been control over extraneous variable and they did not use two-syllable letters or numbers.