Cards (4)

  • The multi-store memory model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, and suggests that there are multiple stores that memory can be stored in. Memory is registered in the sensory store and transferred to STM and then transferred to LTM through rehearsal.
  • How memory is lost by each store
    The sensory store loses memory through decay. The STM loses memory through decay and retrieval failure. The LTM loses memory through interference and retrieval failure.
  • Glancer & Cunitz: The Serial Position Effect
    Glancer and Cunitz proposed the serial position effect by showing participants 20 words for 3 seconds and asked them to recall them, some had interference. They found that recall was highest for words at the start and end of the list which they concluded was due to the primacy and recency effect.
    • Primacy effect = high recall at start of the word list as it has been best rehearsed and is in the LTM.
    • Recency effect = high recall at the end of the word list as it is fresh in the STM.
  • Glancer & Cunitz: The Serial Position Effect
    Those who had an interference task had high recall at the start of the list which declined and remained low towards the end of the list. Shows that interference affects STM.