Cards (4)

  • The working memory model was proposed by Baddeley and Hitch, which has 4 components; the phonological loop, the central executive, the visuo-spacial sketchpad and the episodic buffer.
  • The Phonological Loop
    Deals with sound based information and processes words we hear and what we want to say. There are two sub-components that deal with this information. The articulatory control process is known as the inner voice which rehearses sound information to prepare for speech and allows maintenance rehearsal. The phonological store is known as the inner ear which stores what we hear, such as when the teacher is talking and we are writing down what they are saying.
  • Visuo-Spacial Sketchpad
    Processes visual information, known as the inner eye. There are two sub-components. The inner scribe controls memories about where objects are in relation to one another. The visual cache is what an object looks like.
  • Central Executive
    Controls the sub-systems and decide which component is being used.