Cards (7)

  • Working Memory Model: Evaluation Points
    • Supporting case studies
    • Dual task performance
    • Research lacks validity
  • Working Memory ModelAO3
    • Supported by case studies of real life patients, patient KF and patient HM.
  • Patient KF
    • Suffered brain injury affecting ability to recall audio information, but not visual information
    • Shows PL was damaged but not VSS
  • Patient HM
    • Had part of hippocampus removed, affecting ability to recall visual information but not audio information
    • Shows VSS was damaged, not PL
  • Case studies of patients KF and HM
    Demonstrate different stores for types of information, supporting the Working Memory Model
  • Working Memory Model: Dual Task Performance
    When performing a dual task which uses the same store, processing slows down. Baddeley & Hitch investigated this by giving ppts a dual task that used the PL and VSS. They found that performance for each was similar. They also gave ppts a dual task that used the same store and processing slowed down in comparison. This shows that there must be seperate stores for visual and sound information as when they are used together, processing is fine, but when only one is used processing slows down.
  • Working Memory Model: Research Lacks Validity
    Research conducted into the WMM lacks validity. Baddeley and Hitch's study was based on an artificial task which we would not typically do in everyday life. This means that it lacks ecological validity and real life application. Therefore this limits the validity of the WMM as a key supporting study lacks validity which questions the integrity of the WMM.