Now English 24 - 18

Cards (266)

  • Dilemma

    A situation when we must make difficult decisions
  • When facing a dilemma

    It is necessary to talk to someone honestly
  • When facing a dilemma

    We need to weigh the pros and cons of each option
  • Analogy

    Comparison between things that have similar features
  • Analogy

    • The author used a poetic analogy to analogize love and nature
    • The speaker used a cultural analogy to analogize different societies
    • The analogy between the human brain and a computer is often made
  • Extinction

    The dying out or extermination of animal species
  • The extinction of certain species

    Can be caused by climate change
  • The asteroid impact

    Was catastrophic and it caused mass extinction
  • Reasoning

    The process of thinking in an intelligent way
  • The moral reasoning behind the decision was sound and logical
  • Inductive reasoning can be used to identify gaps in knowledge
  • Vanity

    Excessive pride in one's own abilities
  • Vanity

    • His vanity was so extreme that he couldn't handle any criticism
    • Her vanity was the reason she spent all her time on social media
    • She was known for her vanity and obsession with her appearance
    • The model's vanity was evident in her constant need for validation
  • Hierarchy

    Organizing people into different ranks
  • Hierarchy

    • The scientific hierarchy is based on research and Publications
    • The colonial System created a hierarchy of power and privilege
    • The ancient regime was characterized by a rigid social hierarchy
  • Elimination

    Complete removal or destruction of something
  • To solve this problem

    We need to get the method of elimination
  • Panacea

    Something that will solve all problems or illnesses
  • Panacea

    • Some people believe that love is a Panacea for all emotional pain
    • The government promised to find a Panacea to cure the pandemic
    • The healing power of nature is seen as a Panacea for many ailments
  • Consensus

    General agreement among a group of people
  • Consensus

    • There is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed
    • The team reached a consensus on the best approach to the project
    • The board of directors was divided and no consensus was reached
  • Collaboration

    Working together for a common purpose
  • Collaboration

    • New ideas often arise through collaboration and brainstorming
    • The album was a collaboration between two famous musicians
    • Cooperation can help to promote teamwork and collaboration
  • Longevity

    The length of one's lifetime
  • Longevity

    • A lack of Maintenance can undermine the longevity of a building
    • The banan tree is often used as a symbol of strength and Longevity
    • The boat was made from fiberglass to ensure durability and longevity
  • Inclination

    A person's natural tendency or urge
  • Inclination

    • She is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination
    • He was predisposed with a natural inclination towards leadership
    • Her natural inclination is to Incline with empathy towards others
  • Propaganda

    Information that is biased or misle leading in nature
  • Propaganda

    • The Soviet Union was known for its propaganda and censorship
    • Dictatorships often rely on propaganda to maintain their power
    • The use of propaganda can undermine democracy and Free Speech
  • Deficiency

    An insufficient amount of something
  • Deficiency

    • The tree had a deficiency in nutrients and didn't produce fruit
    • The deficiency of rainfall in the region led to a severe drought
    • Zinc deficiency can cause poor concentration and memory problems
  • Paradigm

    A typical example or pattern of something
  • Paradigm

    • The discovery of DNA revolutionized the Paradigm of genetics
    • The paradigm shift in Psychology has led to new treatment methods
    • The study of quantum mechanics introduced a new paradigm in physics
  • Diplomacy

    The ability to manage international relations
  • Diplomacy

    • Speaking between the lines can be a powerful tool in diplomacy
    • The warmonger advocated for military action instead of diplomacy
  • Ubiquity

    Existing or being everywhere at the same time
  • Ubiquity

    • The ubiquity of trees means they can be found in many forests
    • The sun's ubiquity means it can be seen from anywhere on Earth
    • The ubiquity of fast food restaurants means we can get food quickly
  • Bankruptcy

    Unable to repay outstanding debts of a business
  • Bankruptcy

    • The businessman's addiction to gambling led to his bankruptcy
    • The company's bankruptcy affected its employees and customers
    • A history of bankruptcy disqualifies you from obtaining a bank loan
  • Dissemination

    Spreading something especially information widely