Now English 24 - 20

Cards (140)

  • Analogy

    A comparison between things that have similar features
  • Analogy

    • The analogy of a mirror was used to explain the concept of reflection
    • An analogy is like a map that helps us navigate through complex ideas
    • An analogy can be used to explain abstract ideas in a more concrete way
  • Symbolism

    The use of symbols in art, literature, films, etc.
  • Symbolism

    • The butterfly is often chosen for its symbolism of beauty and change
    • Black objects are used as symbolism in many movies to represent evil
    • The author used symbolism through pictures instead of written words
  • Personification

    A figure intended to represent an abstract quality
  • Personification

    • The super hero was the personification of justice and righteousness
    • The sculpture represents the personification of Victory and Triumph
    • The use of personification in the novel made the objects come to life
    • The entrepreneur was the personification of ambition and Innovation
  • Hyperbole

    Exaggerated statements that make something sound much bigger
  • Hyperbole

    • It's important to avoid hyperbole when making important decisions
    • The journalist's hyperbole in the article was meant to provoke thought
    • The advertisement used hyperbole to make the product seem irresistible
  • Colloquialism

    Informal expressions used in relaxed conversation
  • Colloquialism

    • It is important to be aware of the audience when using colloquialism
    • Colloquialism can vary greatly depending on the age group or generation
    • Colloquialism can be seen as a form of linguistic creativity and expression
    • Colloquialism is often used in informal settings such as casual conversations
  • Diction

    The choice and use of words in writing or speech
  • Diction

    • She had a natural talent for diction and her singing was enchanting
    • We can practice good diction by reading out loud or reciting poetry
    • The student's essay was marked down for poor diction and grammar
    • Diction can vary depending on where we live or our cultural background
  • Allegory

    A narrative story that conveys a complex abstract message
  • Allegory

    • The artwork is an allegory for the complexity of the human mind
    • The Tale of Two Cities is an allegory about the French Revolution
    • If the allegory were more emotional it would be more expressive
    • The story The Ant and the grasshopper is an allegory about hard work
  • Synopsis

    A summary of a longer piece of writing or work
  • Synopsis

    • The synopsis of the movie accurately portrayed its plot and theme
    • The headnotes in the novel provided a brief synopsis of each chapter
    • The synopsis of the documentary sheds light on an important social issue
    • The synopsis of the article provided a comprehensive overview of the topic
  • Archetype

    A very typical example of a certain person or thing
  • Archetype

    • The Explorer archetype is associated with Adventure and Discovery
    • The wise old man archetype is commonly seen in myths and legends
    • The shadow archetype represents the darker aspects of human nature
  • Paradox

    A logical puzzle that contradicts itself in a baffling way
  • Paradox

    • The paradox of time is that it seems to go so fast yet also so slow
    • The paradox of choice can be overwhelming and lead to indecision
    • It is a paradox that the strongest people often have the softest Hearts
    • The paradox of success is that it can bring both happiness and emptiness
  • Folklore

    The traditional beliefs, customs and stories of a community
  • Folklore

    • Many famous authors have been inspired by folklore in their writing
    • The legend of Robin Hood has been mythologized in English folklore
    • African folklore is filled with stories of mythical creatures and heroes
    • Folklore can be passed down through oral storytelling or written texts
  • Sarcasm

    Speech or writing which actually means the opposite
  • Sarcasm

    • He used sarcasm to make a point but it came across as insincere
    • It's common to miscomprehension in the dialogue
    • The play dialogue was filled with biting sarcasm and black humor
  • Metaphor

    A figure of speech that is used to make a comparison
  • Metaphor

    • Some people believe that hell is a metaphor for a state of mind
    • The writer used an ingenious metaphor to describe the character
    • The difference between a simile and a metaphor is often confused
  • Legend

    A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical
  • Legend

    • History remembers him as the legend of a cruel punishment Giver
    • According to Legend the City was destroyed by a great severe flood
    • Cajun Legend suggests that white alligators are a symbol of prosperity
    • According to Legend he escaped by leaping from The Cliffs into the sea
  • Irony

    In which real meaning is concealed or contradicted
  • Irony

    • Postmodern artists often incorporate irony and parody in their work
    • The audience was on the edge of their seats due to the dramatic irony
    • Figurative language can be used to create a sense of irony or sarcasm
  • Fable

    A short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals
  • Fable

    • The teacher used a well-known Fable in illusion to teach a moral lesson
    • The Fable the torus and the hair is an allegory about perseverance
    • The allegoric nature of the Fable teaches a valuable lesson about morality
  • Mythology

    The myths of a particular group or culture
  • Mythology

    • His work has led him on the search for modern-day mythologies
    • In Hindu mythology Deo is a symbol of power and Triumph
    • The constellation represents the flying horse of Greek mythology
  • Cacophony

    Harsh or unpleasant discordance of sound, dissonance
  • Cacophony

    • After the explosion there was a cacophony of ambulance sirens
    • The sound of crashing dishes created a cacophony in the kitchen
    • The party was a cacophony of balloons popping and people talking
    • The busy nightclub was a constant cacophony of music and dancing
  • Tragedy

    An event causing great suffering, destruction and distress
  • Tragedy

    • Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels
    • This has been a tragedy that has affected our family tremendously
    • The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer but what they miss
  • Jargon

    A special language belonging exclusively to a group
  • Jargon

    • His lectures were engaging, coherent and unusually free of jargon
    • The waitresses use unusual jargon when calling out the food orders
    • You need someone to help you cut through all the irritating legal jargon