linkage is the linear arrangement of non allelic genes in the same chromosome.
linkage do NOT assort independently
Linkage Group is the physical association of genes on a chromosome
number of linkage group is equal to haploid number
if the number of genes exceed the number of chromosomes then there is linkage
type of linkage: complete linkage is when genes are found at the same chromosome and are closely associated
in complete linkage there is 100% parental type
there is no recombinant in complete linkage
Bateson, Saunders, and Punnett (1906) proposed partiallinkage.
Types of Linkage: Incomplete Linkage wherein genes found at the same chromosome however they are NOT closely associated with each other
in complete linkage, recombinant is < 50% while parentaltype is > 50%
recombinant in incomplete linkage occurs due to crossing over of non sister chromatids
Thomas Hunt Morgan (1910) proposes that the the closer the genes are located in the chromosome, the greater the probability that they would be inherited together.
in cisform or coupling phase (AB/ab) linked genes enter the zygote together because they are in the same chromosome.
transform or repulsion phase (Ab/aB) the linked genes located in separate chromosome enters the zygote separately.
Type of linkage: SexLinkage is where sex chromosomes carry genes other than those needed for sex determination.
Sex chromosome are chromosome that determine the organism's sex.
Autosomes are chromosomes that do not influence an organism's sex.
X linked genes is a type of sex linkage where genes found on X chromosome of humans.
X linked genes expression may differ between sexes.
X linked dominant is a father to daughter transmission.
X linked recessive is mother to son transmission.
Females can be heterozygous or homozygous.
Heterozygous female are carrier of recessive allele.
Male can ONLY be hemizygous because they only have one X chromosome.
Y linked genes is father to son transmission.
Ylinkedgenes is when genes are on the Y chromosome and only males can be affected.
LinkageMapping or Genetic Mapping is linear arrangement of non allelic genes on the chromosome
Linkage Mapping establishes the correct gene sequence and their distances relative to each other.
Strength of linkage is expressed by the linkage value.
% recombinant (or linkage value) = 1 cM (centimorgan)
Genes that are far apart from each other tend to assort independently.
If two genes are veryclose together, then there is little chance that recombinant gametes will form.