Segregated conjugal roles - men = instrumental and women = expressive
Both naturally suited to these roles and domesticdivision of labour is based on biological differences
Conjugal roles - Close knit couples tend to have separatedconjugal roles as eachpartner have own friends
Acts as a form of social control - make sure couples don't drift away from traditional gender roles throughteasing
Young and Willmott
Privatisation and the family - family developed in 3 stages
Pre-industrialfamily, early industrial family and privatised nuclearfamily and symmetrical form
Segregated conjugal roles - Men and women still unequal
Sociology of housework - MC husbands gave more help than WC and bothgave more help with childcare than housework
Lagged adaptation - Conjugal roleswill become more equal as women going into work faster now than men so men have to take over household chores
Men adapt to changes more slowly than women
Silver and Schor
Commercialisation of housework and death of housewife - Housework become commercialised due to increase in domestic appliances so its easier and less skilled so men can do it
Women working means more new appliances or employ someone else to do it so housewife roles been reduced
Lesbian families have join conjugal roles - more equal division of labour
Pahl and Vogler
Money and marriage - men are main beneficiaries of things such as joint bank accounts as have final say, women use their control for benefit of children