Village Life

Cards (8)

  • What changed for peasant life after the Norman Conquest
    They lived under a new Lord
  • How much land did peasants own?
    35% - although had to pay taxes to their Lord
  • How much taxes did peasants pay to the Church?
    10% - called a tithe
  • What did peasants do in the Spring?
    Sowed the fields
  • What were the different responsibilities and roles in a village?
    • Reeve - Chosen by the Lord or peasant vote, had a lot more power under the Saxons, but after 1066 was made to do day to day jobs at the Manor
    • Bailiff - Collected taxes, made sure debts were repaid and made sure the quota for crops was met
    • Priest - Responsible for marriages and wills, running the local church and conducting Masses
    • Miller - Produced grain to make bread for the whole village
  • What did peasants do in the Summer?
    Harvested the crops
  • What did peasants do in the Autumn?
    Ploughed the fields using oxen, ready for next years crop
  • What did peasants do in the Winter?

    Lived off food harvested earlier in the year