Planning investigations

Cards (13)

  • Independent variable is the factor we can change
  • Dependant variable is what we measure
  • Control variable is what we have to keep the same if we dont it will affect the dependant variable
  • Accurate data is close to the value of what your trying to measure
  • Precise data gives you similar results if you repeat the exp
  • When making a plan
    you need to include the hypothesis which is the question you’re trying to answe
    method needs to be in a logical order
    equipment and how to use it
  • in experiments data can come in three ways
    continuous= any value
    discrete= can only be a whole number
    categoric= where the value is a word
  • Risked assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people during scientific investigations
  • Hazard is something that causes harm
  • Risk is the chance of high or low that someone can be harmed
  • preventation methods ate strategies that are put in place to prevent any dange
  • Reproductivity means obtaining same results under slightly different conditions
  • Repeatability means obtain same results under identical conditions