conducted a twinstudy to see whether social and physical was down to nature (Inherited) or down to nurture ( the environment)
they recruited 234twins from the Quebecnewborntwinstudy, where they were all 6yearsold
they gatheredpeer rating from teachers which carried out a 3 point scale and their peers who were given a booklet and asked to answer the statement that best described each peer, on both physical and socialaggression
when the rating from both the peers and the teachers were collected, they concluded that physical aggression was down to genetics whereas social aggression was result of their environment
strength to this study is the application, knowing that socialaggression is a cause of environmentalfactors, then there can be preventivemeasures put in place so that children can avoid these types of situations for example avoidingsituations which involve swearing
the weakness of the study is the generalisability, as the study only contained 234twins, this is a limitedsamplesize and therefore is notfullyrepresentative to the widerpopulation and due to this, the applications become limited as well
the study is also considered not to be ethical because it involves peers rating each other which could cause conflict as it may upset some of the peers and therefore f=could potentially damage peer relationships