Also, they have a hornypad against which the lowerincisors cut against
What are the incisors and canines in herbivorous animals and how do they crop vegetation?
Incisors and canines are small and sharp, and only on the lower jaw. The tonguewrapsaround the grass, pulls it tightagainst the hornypad, and the incisors and caninesslice through the grass
What is the diasterna and what is its function?
-the gap between canines and pre-molars on the lower jaw
-it allows the tongue to move vegetation over the pre-molars and molars
How are the molars in herbivores specialised for their diet?
-they have ridges of enamel, so upper and lowermolars can interlock, which allows grinding of food, but this wearsdown the teeth
-molars have openroots which allows for continuous growth, so worndownmaterial is replaced