"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure"
Argues pain + pleasure motivates + directs lives
Argues natural feature of life determines descriptive + normative ethics
Morality linked to observation + experience – main idea of ethical naturalism
Pleasure = one intrinsic good, pain = one intrinsic evil
Determining moral obligation
1. Use observable facts of pain + pleasure
2. Seek to maximise pleasure + minimise pain based on consequences
3. Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
Bentham's Pleasure Calculus
Pleasure measured by intensity, proximity, purity, certainty, duration, productiveness and extent
Utilitarianism = example of consequentialist approach to ethics
Moral value of an action = determined by results it aims to achieve
John Stuart Mill
Introduced moral rules in Utilitarianism
Known as a Rule Utilitarian
Rejected Bentham's view all pleasures = equal + measurable
Argued higher cultural + intellectual pleasures exist – preferred to lower physical pleasures
Utilitarianism about fair distribution of natural benefits
Justifying moral rules
1. Argued moral rules developed naturally – found theft, lying + murder did not benefit society
2. Justified because it produces balance of pleasure over pain
3. E.g if everyone decided to tell truth or not in each individual situation = chaos – not lying = right because supports principle of offering greatest happiness to greatest number