
Cards (11)

  • Intuitionism
    A non–naturalist theory like DCT, view that moral knowledge = result of our intuition
  • Intuitionism
    • Phrases like "It seems reasonable to assume that" appeal to audience's intuitions
    • Intuitions = beliefs not supported by inferences from other beliefs, so Moral judgements = self-evident
    • Intuitionism = form of moral realism (moral truths exist independently of persons)
    • We hold values because they conform to natural law/ maximise happiness
    • Sometimes we sense what is right – we know to kill an innocent is wrong even if there are benefits e.g saving a large group of people
  • The Trolley Problem

    • Example of balance between Utilitarian + intuitionist approach to moral problem
    • Runaway railway trolley going towards 5 people who cannot escape being killed, only way to save them is by you moving levers + diverting trolley onto another track where there is only one person who would die
    • Utilitarian = kill one save five, clashes with intuition that killing = wrong, many intuitionists would not move the levers
  • Problem with Intuitionism - How can it be true if disagreement between right + wrong?
  • Answer to problem with Intuitionism

    We have self–evident duties – Intuitionism is how people choose between conflicting duties
  • W.D. ROSS

    • Argues people can have conflicting duties
    • E.g doctor sees it her duty to keep terminally ill patient from pain but is also her duty to avoid killing patient
    • Ross' duties we must do: 1) Keep our promises, 2) Pay back harm we do to others, 3) Not injure others, 4) Return services given to us by others, 5) Not harm innocent, 6) Look after parents
    • Duties called Prima Facie (at first face) ---> if no conflicting duties – each duty = absolute, if conflicting duties – intuition will tell you what to do
    • Kant's example mad axe murderer –Kant says tell him an evasive truth – Ross argues evasion = unnecessary, lie to maniac ---> you have PRIMA FACIE to protect innocent
    • Majority = agree with this – Ross argues this is because careful thinking reveals an intuitive truth: victim's life more important than problem of lying
    • Ross argues judgements on Prima Facie will be intuited truth
    • "The moral order expressed in these duties is just as much part of the fundamental nature of the universe"
    • What is right in a moral situation is unique to that specific situation – explains why moral judgements differ
  • Strengths of Intuitionism

    • Intuitionism = form of moral realism – statements can be true/false, realistic ---> admits intuition not perfect – explains disagreements = result of people's lack of clear thinking about conflicting prima facie
    • Everyone has moral intuitions – used to check moral arguments e.g intuition used to justify killing (war)
  • Weaknesses of Intuitionism

    • Some ethicists dismiss naturalistic fallacy, can question Moore's open question argument
    • Neo – naturalism = virtue plays a key role in ethics, argues virtues depend on socio – biological facts about humans + animals, biology + sociology directs us to virtues – individuals should attain virtues, thus, morality has factual content (flourishing of humas), action that contributes to human flourishing = good, goes against = wrong
    • Neo – naturalism fills the is – ought problem proposed by Moore, she is old + lonely (fact), the content of morality is the flourishing of human beings (socio-biological fact), not helping her does not contribute to the flourishing of human beings' (fact), therefore, you ought to help her
    • Still opens up ethical discussions ---> not clear what leads to human flourishing, no guarantee with factual claims – can be true/false, 'flourishing of humanity' = too narrow – only considers humanity – all species = inter dependent, more accurate definition of 'good' = what contributes to flourishing of Earth
  • DCT
    Form of theological intuitionism
  • DCT
    Moral commands from a supernatural source: God, God's commands revealed through scripture + church – must be obeyed, many accept this, to some, like Hick, obeying God's commands takes away freedom to respond to God
  • Ethical Naturalism

    Grounds facts in the world/ nature/human nature, moral facts discovered through observation of world e.g observing evil and suffering on Earth