Born Charles Robert Darwin on February 12, 1809 in England
Showed an interest in the natural world from a young age
The HMSBeagle
A ship that had three major voyages around the world, which Charles Darwin joined the second voyage
The Journey of the Beagle
1. The Beagle had three major voyages around the world
2. Charles Darwin joined the second voyage
Darwin's Observations
Darwin noticed similarities between extinct and extant organisms
Darwin made observations regarding the resemblance of species in South America
Darwin made observations regarding the distribution of organisms, including the location of the Galapagos islands relative to mainland South America
Galápagos Finches
Darwin's most famous observations in the Galapagos were related to the Galapagos finches, where he noticed great variation
Darwin concluded that the shape and size of the beaks of the Galapagos finches were closely related to the type of food that the finches consume
Adaptiveradiation as seen in the finches of the Galapagos
On the Origin of Species
Darwin's book that published his ideas, which remains famous and relevant until today
Parts of Darwin'sTheory
Common Descent
Natural Selection
The change that happens to species does so over very long periods of time
All species have common ancestry
Natural Selection
Organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
Speciation refers to the process by which organisms change and evolve to form a distinct new species
How was Darwin's theory different?
Offered physical and scientific explanations
Described the steps of evolution
Described that evolution occurred in groups
Recognized the role of environmental influences
Not all of the ideas that Darwin put forth in his book are still correct in modern evolutionary standards
The major points of Darwin's book paved the way for the development of modernevolutionary theory
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who extensively studied evolution
Darwin and his publication, OntheOriginofSpecies, influenced much of our understanding of evolution today
Darwin joined the second voyage of HMS Beagle and traveled the world as part of its crew. His observations about the natural world while traveling fueled many of his ideas about biological evolution
Darwin's main observations
Resemblances between organisms
Possible relationships between fossilized and extant organisms