Sin, Salvation and Atonement

Cards (12)

  • Babies are bapitised to remove.....
    original sin
  • why do we have original sin?

    due to adam and even disobeying god.
    as we are all descendants of adam and even we are born with this.
  • What is grace?

    the unconditional love that god shows everyone.
    this was made possible through atoning the death of jesus.
  • Salvation means?

    Salvation means being accepted by God and therefore being assured of eternal life (heaven). You can achieve salvation in many ways.
  • Salvation by deeds
    The belief that to be accepted by God you need to obey the law. This means following the commandments down in the scriptures.
  • Salvation by deeds
    'You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone'.
  • salvation by faith

    salvation is achieved through faith or actively believing in God
  • salvation by faith
    'For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
  • Christians often see Jesus' death as an atonement this means...

    humans can make amends and make up for their sins
  • Why was atonement important and how does it influences christians today?

    On the cross Jesus bore the consequences and penalty of human sin. This was God taking the initiative in reconciling humanity to God. God's Son was the only way to bring salvation to humanity. It inspires human beings to take the moral lead in reconciliation in the world today
  • Atonement is important because...
    the atoning death of God's Son was the only way to bring salvation to humanity.
  • For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

    God gave us Jesus so we could atone for our sins