Physics Paper 3

Cards (75)

  • Red Shift
    Shift of an objects wavelength towards the red end of the spectrum due to the object moving away from earth.
  • What is red-shift evidence for?
    Expansion of the universe
  • blue shift
    Shift of the objects wavelength towards the blue end of the spectrum due to object moving towards the earth.
  • absolute magnitude
    Magnitude of a star as it appears if placed 10 parsecs from earth
  • astronomical unit

    the average distance between the centre of the earth and the centre of the sun
  • Apparent magnitude

    the magnitude of a star as it appears to an observer on the earth.
  • Big Bang Theory
    Theory that the earth originated as a small, dense and hot region that expanded and cooled forming the universe
  • Black body radiation

    Perfect absorber and emitter of all possible wavelengths of light
  • Binary star system
    Two stars orbiting their common center of gravity.
  • Black hole
    Region with an escape velocity > speed of light
  • How are black holes formed?

    1. Mass is so dense neutrons form into other neutrons. Mass tends to a singular point.
  • Size of star that forms a black hole
    >3 Msol
  • Mass of core that will form a neutron star
    >1.4 Msol
  • Chandrasekhar limit
    the upper limit to the mass of a white dwarf (<1.4 Msol)
  • How can black holes be observed?

    1. Material falling into the black hole
    2. Stars orbiting an invisible centre of mass
  • Charged-Coupled device (CCD)

    Use the photoelectric effect to convert light into digital information.
  • What are CCD's made of
    - Silicone chips divided into pixels.
  • Potential Wells (CCDs)
    Electrons get trapped in potential wells causing a potential difference identical to the image produced.
  • Chromatic Aberration
    Different focal lengths of different wavelengths of light lead to colours being focused at different points
  • Collecting power

    Measure of ability of lens/mirror to collect em radiation
  • Collecting power equation

    Collecting power = Area of lens/mirrors
  • Concave/ diverging lens
    Light spreads out
  • Convex/ converging lens

    Light focuses in
  • Doppler Effect

    Apparent change in frequency of a wave caused by the relative motion between the source of a wave and an observer
  • Event horizon

    Boundary of black hole where escape velocity = speed of light
  • Exoplanet
    Planets not part our solar system and orbit other starts
  • Eyepiece
    Magnifies the image produced by the objective lens
  • Objective
    Collects light to form a real image
  • Focal length

    Distance between centre of lens and principal focus
  • Hipparcos scale

    Classification of objects by their apparent magnitude
  • Hipparcos scale- Brightest star
  • Hipparcos scale- dullest star
  • How many times greater is a magnitude 1 star compare to a magnitude 6 star?
  • Hubbles Law
    Speed of galaxy moving away from ours is proportional to distance away from us
  • Intensity
    Power received from a star per unit area
  • Light year (ly)

    Distance than an EM wave travels in a year (In a vacuum)
  • Long-lived Gamma ray bursts

    Bursts of gamma lasting between 10 and 100 seconds. In a type 2 supernova
  • Magnifying power/ Angular Magnification

    Angle made by the image from eyepiece : angle made by object with the unaided eye
  • Normal adjestment
    Distance between the object and eyepiece in a refracting telescope us = sum of focal length
  • Parallax
    Apparent change of position of a nearer star in comparison to distant stars in the background as a result of the earths orbit