Cards (18)

  • Literalist belief
    The world was actually created in just 6 days exactly as it says in the bible
  • Non-Literalist belief

    God is the great evolver, and the 6 days is metaphorical for millions of years.
  • What is the main message of the creation story?

    -God is the sole and omnipotent creator
    -God created a universe that was ordered, not chaotic, meaning humans have meaning and purpose
  • What is it when humans have power and authority over the natural world?
  • What is it when humans have responsibility to care for the natural world?

  • How might the creation story affect humans in terms of dominion.

    Christians may feel they should have control of the worlds resources, they were made for us to use.
  • What life-style could stewardship cause a christian to take?
  • What has been there since creation?
    The trinity
  • In the beginning was the Word...................................................'
    'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  • Day 1: e...., s..... and l...... were created
    earth, space and light
  • day 2: the a................ was created
    the atmosphere
  • day 3: d... l.... and p.....

    dry land and plants
  • day 4: s..., m.... and s......

    sun, moon and stars
  • day 5: s... and f..... c.......
    sea and flying creatures
  • day 6:l...... a......... and m..........
    land animals and mankind
  • on day 7 god rested, this made sunday......
    the holy day
  • all .... ..... of the holy trinity have been there since the .............

    all 3 parts of the holy trinity have been there since the begining
  • “and God said let there be light, and there was light“