Exam 3

Cards (37)

  • Graded potentials

    Variable-strength signals that can be conveyed over small distances
  • Action potentials

    Massive depolarizations (when it reaches the threshold) that can be transferred over long distances
  • Types of channels

    • Ligand-gated
    • Mechanically-gated
    • Leakage
    • Voltage-gated
  • Ligand-gated channels

    Only open when a ligand binds to it, usually a neurotransmitter
  • Mechanically-gated channels

    Channels open due to some physical change of the plasma membrane (somatosensation-touching skin and cells get squished)
  • Leakage channels
    Randomly gated and switch between open and close, contribute to resting potential
  • Voltage-gated channels

    Respond to changes in electrical/chemical changes, very specific about what goes in (sodium) and out (potassium)
  • Sodium channel gates have unique characteristics
  • Sodium-potassium pump
    1. [Na+] higher outside, [K+] higher inside, both moving against concentration gradient
    2. Three sodium & one ATP bind to pump
    3. ATP is split and sodium moves outside
    4. Sodium is released and enzyme changes shape
    5. Potassium binds and is transported inside
  • Saltatory conduction

    Along a length of a myelinated axon segment (faster impulses), opening multiple channels at a time and "leaping"
  • Continuous conduction

    Along an unmyelinated axon (slowly)
  • Be able to label a picture of a membrane potential and know the important values
  • Key neurotransmitters

    • Acetylcholine (Cholinergic system)
    • Norepinephrine (Adrenergic system)
  • Cholinergic system

    Synapse of the autonomic nervous system where acetylcholine (ACh) is released
  • Parasympathetic branch of ANS

    ACh binds to muscarinic (cholinergic) receptors & causes muscle contraction
  • Adrenergic system

    Synapse of the autonomic nervous system where norepinephrine is released
  • Neurotransmitters and their receptors

    • Acetylcholine binds to muscarinic receptors
    • Epinephrine and norepinephrine bind to adrenergic receptors
  • Major proteins involved in muscle contraction

    • Actin
    • Myosin
    • Tropomyosin
    • Troponin
  • Sarcomere
    Extends from one Z-line to the next Z-line, I-bands are the region of thin filaments not moving along thick filaments, A-bands are the length of a single thick filament, H-zone is the area of the A-band without any thin actin filament, M-line is in the middle of the H-zone and formed from the cytoskeleton
  • Calcium ions

    Crucial for unshielding binding sites, when they bind to troponin, the troponin-tropomyosin complex moves, exposing myosin binding sites
  • Sliding filament model of muscle contraction
    1. Myosin heads attach to actin at binding sites while ADP and Pi are attached
    2. Pi is released and myosin attaches more strongly to actin and pulls ~10nm (power stroke)
    3. New ATP binds and myosin heads detach from actin
    4. ATP is hydrolyzed by myosin ATPase, which positions the myosin head for more movement (re-cock)
  • Muscle metabolism pathways

    • Creatine Phosphate
    • Glycolysis
    • Aerobic Respiration
  • Creatine Phosphate

    Sources of ATP and Muscle Metabolism that is quick but only lasts ~15 seconds, formed by creatine & ATP, broken down by Creatine Kinase into ATP (for muscle contraction) and Creatine
  • Glycolysis
    Muscle Metabolism that is not very efficient & only sustained for ~1 minute, glucose is converted to 2 ATP & 2 Pyruvate, aerobic respiration uses oxygen to keep going, lactic acid builds up in the blood if no oxygen is used
  • Aerobic Respiration

    Accounts for 95% of ATP used by muscles, muscles store oxygen in myoglobin to power aerobic respiration through mitochondria
  • Oxygen debt

    Amount of oxygen needed to compensate for ATP produced without oxygen during muscle contraction, associated with build-up of lactic acid and creatine
  • Isometric muscle contraction

    Tension changes, while length remains constant
  • Isotonic muscle contraction

    Tension remains constant, while length is changed, can be eccentric (muscle lengthens) or concentric (muscle shortens)
  • Types of muscle contractions

    • Twitch
    • Summation
    • Tetanus
  • Optimal muscle tension
    Maximum tension & overlap of binding sites occurs at 80-120% of sarcomere resting length, less tension is produced at <80% or >120%
  • Hypertonia
    Too many contractions at rest, associated with excessive reflex response, rigidity, and spasticity, patients experience reduced mobility
  • Hypotonia
    Absence of contractions at rest, associated with damage to CNS, over 600 conditions can cause it
  • Muscle fiber types

    • Type I (Slow twitch, aerobic respiration)
    • Type IIA (Fast twitch, aerobic respiration and glycolysis)
    • Type IIB (Fast twitch, anaerobic glycolysis)
  • Building muscle fibers

    Fast twitch muscle is useful for anaerobic, explosive exercise like weightlifting, increased myofibrils & muscle fiber thickness
  • Hypertrophy
    Addition of structural proteins to muscle fibers, increasing diameter of cell
  • Atrophy
    Loss of structural proteins and corresponding decrease in muscle mass
  • Muscle cells

    • Myoblasts
    • Satellite cells
    • Pericytes