Gait scenario 7

Cards (7)

  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • Main Analysis Findings
    • weakness and/or poor rom in both PFs - 25 degrees PF needed at push off
    • reduced ground reaction force - Newtons 3rd law of motion - equal and opposing forces - as bodies exerts a force onto the ground, the ground will exert an equal and opposing force onto the body - forces are vectors therefore the ground reaction force will have a direction and magnitude
    • The most amount of GRF occurs at the beginning of stance phase and at push off as that is when the knee is dealing with the most force
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • Further tests/investigations you would like to do
    • plantarflexion rom
    • plantarflexion strength
    • sensory test
    • fear etc
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • A suitable outcome measure
    • single leg heel rise (SLHR) - height and weight
    • ankle mechanics - at the end of stance phase, plantarflexion allows for a longer leg length to push off from - prevents vertical displacement
    • 6mwt
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • Justification for selection of treatment
    • rope around both ankle - hold bar with one hand, hold rope with one hand and use it to help pull ankle up in plantarflexion
    • plantarflexion strength exercises - calf raises
    • plantarflexion stretch
    • can help increase cadence
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • Justification of approaches to facilitated learning:
    • refer to scenario 1
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • progression:
    • stop using rope, but hold onto bars to stabilise
    • full gait cycle
    • increase rom/height of plantarflexion
  • Reduced push off in terminal stance bilaterally due to prolonged bedrest
    • Main Analysis Findings
    • a lot of GRF at push off as that is when the knee is dealing with the most force = reduced efficiency of gait
    • push off = one of the power phases that determine speed of gait - low push off = slow gait