Peace & Conflict

Cards (26)

  • Christian quote about peace
    “Blessed are the peacemakers“
  • Christian quote about justice
    “Seek justice“
  • Christian quotes about forgiveness
    “Forgive not seven but seventy-three times”
    ”If you forgive others your Heavenly Father will also forgive you“
  • Christian quote about reconciliation
    “God reconciled himself to us through Christ”
  • Islam quote about peace 

    “Say words of peace”
  • Islam quote about justice
    “Stand up firmly for justice“
  • Islam quote about forgiveness
    “Forgive others and God will also forgive you”
  • Islam quote about reconciliation
    “Whoever makes reconciliation, his reward is from God”
  • Christian attitudes towards violence
    • Jesus said “those who live by the sword die by the sword”
    • Jesus said you shouldn’t retaliate “turn the other cheek“
    • St Paul “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” - sanctity of life
    • Old Testament - “eye for an eye”
    • St Thomas Aquinas used “the doctrine of double effect” to justify self-defence
    • Jesus violently protested “overturned the tables“ of money changers
  • Muslim attitudes towards violence
    Surah 23 - ’Say words of peace’ Islam is a religion of peace so it should be the priority
    Surah 2 - ‘God gave you life’ - all life is sacred and holy because it is created by God
    • Lesser Jihad means to fight in defence of religion. Shows violence can be justifiable
    Surah 2 - teaches to ‘fight in the way of God of those who fight you’ there are times where violence may be justified
  • Christian beliefs about terrorism
    • Bible says “do not kill”
    • St Paul says to “live at peace with everyone“
    • Sanctity of life - ‘your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit’
  • Islamic beliefs about terrorism
    Surah 4 - “do not kill yourself or others“
    Surah 17 - ‘do not take life, which God has made sacred’
    Surah 7 - ‘whoever has killed a soul it is as though he has killed all mankind’
  • Just War Theory
    1. Declared by a legitimate authority
    2. Has a just cause
    3. Has a right intention
    4. As a last resort
    5. Reasonable chance of success
    6. Innocent civilians not targeted
    7. Use of force must be proportionate
  • Christian beliefs about war
    • Must follow just war theory
    • Quakers - ’utterly deny all outward wars’
  • Islamic beliefs towards war
    • ‘fight in the way of God those who fight you but don’t overstep the limits’ Teaches war can be justified in self defence or defending religion but just be fought in the correct way
    • Muhammad fought holy wars
    • ‘do not kill yourself or others’
    • ’whoever kills a soul it is as though he has killed all mankind‘
  • Christian attitudes towards pacifism
    • Quakers are pacifists. They ‘utterly deny all outward wars’ and become conscientious objects to war
    • Jesus taught his followers ‘those who live by the sword will die by the sword‘
    • St Paul says “live at peace with everyone’
    • Utilitarianism - ends may justify means
    • Just War
  • Islamic attitudes towards pacifism
    • ’Do not kill yourselves or others’
    • ’God created you from a single soul’ - should live at peace with all people, avoid conflict and disharmony
    • Lesser Jihad - it is sometimes necessary to fight in war, for example self defence
    • Muhammad fought in holy wars
  • Christian beliefs about Weapons of Mass Destruction
    St Paul - ‘submit to the governing authorities‘ christians must support the UK government policy of having nuclear weapons
    Just War - includes ‘last resort’ and ‘just cause’
    Just War - must be proportionate
    Genesis - teaches that God put man in the garden to take care of it
  • Islamic beliefs about weapons of mass destruction
    • ‘If someone has attacked you attack him just as he attacked you’
    • ’Do Not kill yourself or others‘ nuclear weapons lead to mutually assured destruction
    • Hadith - ‘God has appointed you as stewards‘ goes against God’s plan for humans to look after the earth
  • Why do Christians work for peace?
    • Jesus taught ‘blessed are the peacemakers’
    • St Paul taught to ‘live at peace with everyone‘
  • Why do Muslims work for peace?
    • Surah 23 teaches to ‘say words of peace‘
    • ’God creates you from a single soul’ people should live in harmony
    • ‘God appointed you as stewards’
  • Christian peacemakers
    • Jesus is known as the ‘Prince of peace’
    • Christian Aid say that ‘everything we do is rooted in our Christian beliefs’
    • MLK - was a US Baptist minister. He was a pacifist who used peaceful methods to challenge racism
  • Islamic peacemakers
    Muhammad Ali - Muslim pacifist who lost his professional boxing licence when he refused to fight in the Vietnam War
    Islamic Relief - works to tackle the causes and consequences of conflict
  • What is reconciliation?
    The process of bringing people together who are opposed to one another
  • What is mutually assured destruction?
    Both sides have enough nuclear weapons to destroy eachother
  • Terms of Lesser Jihad
    • it must be in defence of Allah
    • no harm must be done
    • peace must be restored
    • mercy must be shown