The creation and approval of laws by a government or legislative body
Issues addressed by legislation
Labor rights
Environmental protection
Duties of employer and employee
Written contract includes JD, pay, hours, leave, safety, discipline, medical aid, position, work, provident/pension, performance review, porbaytion, termination, life insurance
Verbal or tacit
Termination (contract expires / task is completed, due notice given, contract cancelled (breach), illness, redundancy, agreement, death)
Common law contract
Catches anything that is not included in the statutory law, evolves through court decisions
Verbal agreements
Spoken contracts, legally binding but challenging to enforce
Tacit contracts
Arise from conduct, involve implied terms based on the parties' intentions and behavior
Statutory law
Written rules or laws created by a government or legislative body, cover various aspects of legal rights, obligations, and conduct, explicitly written and apply broadly to everyone, help maintain consistency and protect individual rights
Objectives of LRA (Labour Relations Act)
Regulate the fundamental rights of all South Africans (freedomofassociation, organisationalrights, protectagainstunfairdismissal and unfairlabourpractice, righttostrikes and lock-outs)
Aspects covered by BCEA (Basic Conditions of Employment Act)
Hours (overtime, compressed workweek, averaging out, meal intervals, rest periods, Sundays, night work, public holiday)
Leave (annual, sick, maternity, family responsibility)
Annual leave cycle
A period of 12 months with the same employer, calculated from the employee's commencement of employment, or from the completion of that employees previous leave cycle. Entitlement is 21 consecutive days annual leave on full remuneration, equal to 15 working days for a 5-day week or 18 working days for a 6-day week.
Aspects covered by termination
Written particulars
Keeping of record
Notice periods
Employment Equity Act
Promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment (recruitment, selection, compensation, work environment, allegations - onus on employer)
Implementing AA measures (designated employers, analysis, profile, EE plan, reporting)
Medical/psychological testing
UIA (Unemployment Insurance Act)
More workers now covered (domestic & seasonal), Graduated benefit scheme, Contributions