Chereck - SSRI's (antidepressant) reduced impulsivity in aggressive vs control group thus drugs can be used to treat CB by altering neurological behaviour
All help understanding possible causes of CB and provide treatment to reduce it and help society be safe
Biological basis of CB = Unethical
Raine states importance brain abnormalities don't = you/ everyone will commit crime and brain abnormalities shouldn't be used as an excuse
Arguably unethical to remove free will by forcing drugs on criminals to = freedom
Consciousness = ethical
Crick and Koch - consciousness is in Claustrum (neural activity in here = consciousness)
Owens - man in vegetative state asked to imagine tennis and motor cortex (movement) was active (helps us know life support should not be removed)
Helps us make decisions about whether a person showing signs of consciousness
Consciousness = unethical
Neuroscience identifies signs of consciousness do we have right/ when do we have moral right to end a life
Some would argue worth of human life should not be reduced down to activity on brain scan (Low quality of life)
Ethical + Social
Lowers cost of prison + rehabilitation (currently £ 9.5 billion)
Ethical + Social
Less crime = safer
Ethical + Social
Improve work force and academic performance = boost economy