Temperate Rainforest: moderate temp, precipitation, low nutrients and speciesdiversity
Woodlands: weather extremes (droughts, fires)
Tropical Rainforest: warm, wet, near equator, low nutrients, humid, most productive and diverse
Savannah: hot, dry, low vegitation, rich soil
SubtropicalDesert: dry, cactus
Riparian ecosystem: ecosystem at the banks of rivers, protect from erosion
Stream: fast water, high oxygen, low plantlife
Lake: littoral zone, limnetic, benthic
Saltwater Marsh: estuaries, prevent against floods and erosion
Mangrove: preserve ecosystem, habitat, against erosionstorm surge protection, stabilize coastlines
Intertidal zone: adaptive organisms, high and low tide, changes in salt and salinity
Coral Reef: polyps inside create hard outer skeleton with calcium carbonate, diverse habitat, coral bleaching (CO2 traps heat and removes zooxanthellae symbiote with stress, coral dies with no productivity)
CO2 + H20= H2CO3-
H2CO3- = H+ + HCO3-
H+ drops pH and HCO3- reduces availability of calcium carbonate
Ocean: carbonsink with aquatic plants taking it in to perform photosynthesis, reacting with compounds to make sedimentary rocks
photic: sunlight
benthic: bottom
neritic: end of continentalshelf
littoral: shore
Eutrophication: bodies of water high in nutrient concentration such as nitrogen and phosphorus, algal blooms, from runoff (fertilizer), worst one in the Gulf of Mexico
Carbon cycle: movement of carbon through the atmosphere, ocean, and land (fast=living, slow=dead)
Note photosynthesis, decomposition into gases like methane by bacteria
Carbon sink: natural/artificial reservoir to store CO2 and mitigate climate change, less carbon sinks with deforestation, trapped in ice caps or limestone rocks
Limiting factor: restrict population growth, density independent or density dependent
Ocean Circulation: ocean heats at the poles
Convection: warm air and liquid rises while cold sinks
Deep water, density driven currents
Conveyer belt of current driven by wind
Nitrogen: atmospheric nitrogen has no use
Sources: fossil fuels, fertilier, runoff: cause eutrophication
N2 into NH4 with nitrogenfixing bacteria in legumes and soil
NH4 into NO2- with nitrifying bacteria performing nitrification
Nitrifying bacteria turn NO2- into NO3-
Plants assimilate nitrates (or denitrifying bacteria turns it back into atmospheric nitrogen)
They decompose and ammonification turns it into NH4
Phosphorus Cycle: need for DNA/RNA backbone, rocks, phosphates, fertilizer, runoff, waste: mining, eutrophication, no gas phase
Rocks get uplifted and weathered
The phosphate in the rock becomes phosphate in soil which gets taken in by plants
Organic phosphates taken in by animals
Waste decomposed by soil detrivores and becomes phosphate in soil again
Phosphates in solution solidify to solid phosphate and then rock
Water Cycle: 97% ocean, sea evaporation prevents Earth from heating, 3% freshwater (2% in glaciers)
Ocean/lakes evaporate and condenses into precpitation
Soil moisture evaporate or trees transpire
Soil moisture can infiltrate the groundwater flow
Ice and snow sublimate into condensation and then precipate (or melt down as runoff)
Properties: high specific heat, capillary action, polarity
Aquifer: freshwater to support well
Recharge zone: surface area giving water to aquifer
Water Table: level below ground with saturated water
Unsaturated zone: open spaces with water
Aquiferdepletion: sustained groundwater pumping drops the water table
Effects: more energy, land subsidence, water shortage, saltwater intrusion
Equation: NPP= GPP - R
NPP: remaining netchemical energy
R: respiration rate
GPP: rate at which plants fix given chemical energy (total)