Cells without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
Eukaryotic cells
Cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Internal compartmentalisation afforded by complex endo-membrane system of eukaryotes
Presence of a nucleus and dense-staining chromatin (DNA-protein complexes) within it
Complex cytoskeleton of filamentous proteins found in eukaryotes
DNA in prokaryotes undergoes folding but is not bound to protein as in nucleosomal subunits of eukaryotic chromatin
Prokaryotic DNA is located in the nucleoid, a morphologically distinct region of cytoplasm, but which lacks a limiting membrane
Prokaryotic cell
Periplasmic space and cell wall
Eukaryotic cell
Golgi vesicles
Cell Ultrastructure
Correlates closely with their differentiated function. Cells differentiate to allow them to carry out specific functions
Chromatin pattern
Reflects transcriptional activity
Concentration of polyribosomes in cytoplasm
Closely aligns with translational activity
Disposition of polysomes
Indicates whether proteins under translation are destined for internal use or export
Free polysomes
Tend to produce proteins for internal use
Polysomes attached to roughendoplasmicreticulum
Tend to produce proteins for export
Proteins for internal use that require membrane packaging
Follow the secretory pathway until the penultimate step
Major source of ATP
Closely apposed to sites of ATP usage, such as plasma membranes with high ion pumping demands (eg dct and pct in the kidney)
Transporting epithelial cells (e.g. proximal convoluted tubules of kidney)
Baso-lateral surface has high ion pumping demands
compareeuchromatin and heterochromatin and give an example cell type for each
Euchromatin is finelydispersed seen in myofibroblasts and contrasts with densely-stainedheterochromatin (HC) of adjacent melanocytes
Extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and prominent Golgi apparatus for bulk production of matrix proteins for export
Distal convoluted tubule
Deep infolding of the baso-lateral plasma membrane facilitates close apposition of the ATP-dependant ion pumps of the plasma membrane with the source of ATP in the mitochondria
Endomembrane System of Eukaryotic Cells
Composed of different membranes suspended in the cytoplasm which divide the cell into functional and structural compartments (organelles)