Genetic Drift (MFE)

Cards (3)

  • Genetic Drift
    • a change of allele freq. in a pop. due to chance processes
    • usually results in a loss of genetic variation over generations
    • occurs in all pops. but has a larger effect on smaller pops. as the chance of fixation or extinction of alleles are higher
  • Founder Effect
    • occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original pop.
    • small pop. that branches off may not be genetically representative as only a fraction of the total genetic diversity of the original pop. is represented
    • isolated pop. has less genetic diversity and deterious alleles may have a higher chance of coming together
  • Bottleneck Effect
    • a catastrophic event that reduces the pop. significantly
    • earthquakes, floods, disease
    • the remaining pop. rarely represents the actual makeup of the initial pop.
    • leaves less variation among surviving indvs.