By the end of the 18th century, many maritime and land-based empires would fall apart and give rise to newstates.
Ottoman Empire
-"Sick Man of Europe" declining in power
-defensive industrialization efforts failed to recover the empire
Young Ottomans
-western educated
-called for political reforms
-led to the creation of the parliament and constitution
-short-lived as Authoritarianism was revived under threat
Young Turks
-called for Ottoman modernization
-create an empire within the Turks (nationalism)
-alienated other minorities, especially the Arabs
-furthered fractured the empire with their own nationalism
Ottoman reforms
Secularization of schools and lawcodes
Establishment of political elections
imposition of the Turkish Language
1905 internal revolution
400k workers refused to work and protested for labor reforms, thousands of workers were killed, inquired, or exiled
Russia was falling behind most of Europe, the US, and Japan in both wealth and power due to slow internal growth and weak military (external).
BolshevikRevolution 1917
World War I and the continued difficulties of industrialization led to a revolution led by Vladimir Lenin who was the leader of the Bolsheviks (working class). Victory and marked the birth of the Soviet Union and communism.
-believed workers should own the means production
-collective ownership
Collapse of QingChina (External)
Taping Rebellion (costed millions of lives)
Loss of both Opium Wars
Loss of Sino-JapaneseWar (industrialized Japan)
Qing China (internal) challenges
-Ethnic Tensions between Hans and Manchus
-Low Taxes
Sun Yat-Sen
led a revolutionary movement to overthrow the Qing. His government was short-lived and replaced by a communist state under Mao Zedong.
Mexico adopted a new constitution after the revolution, which redistributed land, granted universal suffrage and public education. The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was formed
The Three People'sPrinciples
Democracy- country should be ruled by "able" experts