Exercise in which another person moves each of the client's joints through their complete range of movement, maximally stretching all muscle groups within each plane over each joint
Active range-of-motion exercises
Isotonic exercises in which the client independently moves each joint in the body through its complete range of movement, maximally stretching all muscle groups within each plane, over the joint
Muscle Strength Rating
5 - Active motion against full resistance (Normal)
4 - Active motion against some resistance (Slight weakness)
3 - Active motion against gravity (Average weakness)
2 - Passive ROM (gravity removed & assisted by examiner) (Poor ROM)
1 - Slight flicker of contraction (Severe weakness)
0 - No muscular contraction (Paralysis)
Physical Assessment
Observe gait and posture
Inspect size of muscles, joint muscles and extremities for size symmetry and color
Palpate joints, muscles and extremities for tenderness, edema, heat, nodules and crepitus
Test muscle strength and ROM of joints
Compare bilateral findings of joints and muscles
Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine assessment
Observe the cervical, thoracic, lumbar curves
Palpate the spinous processes and paravertebral muscles for tenderness or pain
Musculoskeletal Assessment - Gait
Base of support
Weight bearing activity
Foot position
Stride and length and cadence and stride
Arm swing
Evenly distributed weight, client able to stand on heels and toes, toes point straight ahead, equal on both sides, posture erect
Temporomandibular joint assessment
Inspect and palpate the TMJ
Move the jaw from side to side
Protrude and retract the jaw
Ask the client to open the mouth and move the jaw laterally against resistance
Ask the client to clench the teeth, feel the temporal and masseter muscles to test the integrity of trigeminal nerve (v)
Sternoclavicular joint assessment
Inspect and palpate for midline location, color, swelling, and masses
Palpate for tenderness
Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine assessment
Observe cervical,thoracic and lumbar curves from the side and behind
Observe for symmetry, noting differences in height of shoulders, iliac crests and buttock creases
Test ROM of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine
Test for back and leg pain
Measure leg length
Cervical and lumbar spines are concave, thoracic spine is convex, spine is straight
Non tender spinous process, well-develop, firm smooth, non tender paravertebral muscles, no muscle spasm
Cervical spine ROM test
Flexion (45 degrees)
Hyperextension (45 degrees)
Lateral bending (40 degrees)
Rotation (70 degrees)
Thoracic and lumbar spine ROM test
Forward bend (75-90 degrees)
Lateral bend (35 degrees)
Performing the straight leg test to test for back and leg pain
Measure leg length
Shoulders, arms, and elbows assessment
Inspect for symmetry, color, swelling, masses
Palpate for tenderness
Test ROM (forward, backward, overhead, elbows flexed behind back)
Extent of shoulder ROM: forward flexion 180°, hyperextension 50°, adduction 50°, abduction 180°, external and internal rotation 90°
Elbows assessment
Inspect for size, shape, deformities, redness, or swelling
Test ROM (flexion, extension, pronation, supination)
Elbows are symmetric, without deformities, redness or swelling, non tender, without nodules
Wrists assessment
Inspect for size, shape, symmetry, color and swelling