Cards (12)

  • Accredited exercise physiologist

    Accredited by ESSA and registered with Department of Human Services
  • Role of an AEP
    Same as with any other client
  • DVA cards

    • Gold card - can be used for clinically necessary treatment of ANY condition
    • White card - can be used for clinically necessary treatment of ONLY the condition/injury listed on the card
    • Orange card - CANNOT be used for Exercise Physiology services
  • Referrals
    1. Patient must have an eligible referral (including the diagnosis or condition) and an eligible DVA card
    2. Referral can be issued by a GP or other allied health professionals
    3. Referral is valid for 12 sessions of allied health treatment or one year (whichever ends first)
    4. Aim of the treatment cycle is to promote quality clinical care for best possible prospects for a healthy life
  • Patient Care Plan (PCP)

    1. AEP will complete an initial assessment
    2. AEP will develop a PCP for the client at the beginning of the treatment cycle
    3. PCP should identify the condition and include an assessment using validated outcome measures, SMART goals and a proposed treatment plan
  • End of treatment cycle
    1. AEP will send a report to the usual GP
    2. GP will use this report to review progress and assess if further exercise physiology treatment is clinically required
    3. A new referral will then be provided if necessary
  • The treatment cycle does not apply to PT and AEP services for DVA clients who have a Totally Permanent Incapacitated (TPI) Gold Card - for these clients, these services must still be clinically necessary, evidence-based and goal necessary
  • For other allied health professionals, the treatment cycle is still applicable
  • Invoicing
    1. AEPs can only claim up to 3 initial consultations within a 12 month period, making sure each new consult has a separate referral
    2. Subsequent consultations must be supervised at all times and cannot be provided on the same day as the initial consult
    3. Group sessions require more than 2 people at a time
    4. The DVA does not fund ongoing treatment to promote exercise adherence - no facility fees are paid for by the DVA
  • In order for a referral to be valid, the patient must have a diagnosis/condition and DVA Health Card - the GP must include this info and how the referral to an AEP will assist in managing this condition for the referral to be valid
  • As an AEP, the appropriate amount of treatment that can be determined and requested for a DVA patient can be found once the client has been assessed, the clinical findings reported and the treatment approach detailed through a PCP
  • Treatment Cycle:
    • Referral from GP (NTD) - valid for 12 months + requires DVA card + condition
    • AEP completes the initial assessment + reports clinical findings to develop a treatment plan for the PCP
    • Allied Health Treatment Cycle starts (12 sessions?)
    • AEP sends report update to GP using "end of cycle report template"
    • GP then reviews and creates another referral if necessary