The time span between 2100 BC/BCE and 1912 AD/CE is 4011 years
Formula to calculate time span
BC Year + AD year - 1
Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE)
Short-lived dynasty that played a pivotal role in the history of imperial China similar to that of the Qin Dynasty in earlier centuries
For the first time since the fall of the Han Dynasty, the Sui united all of the Han peoples in China under a single, centralized administration
Established a lasting state system by planting the seeds of an imperial Confucian examination system to fill bureaucratic positions by merit
Engaged in several large-scale public works projects, including the Grand Canal in China which linked the northern economy of China with central China
Likely shortened the duration of their dynasty due to their overly-ambitious public works projects and military campaigns, but set the seeds for a stable, centralized state that later dynasties would build upon
Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE)
Overtook the Sui Dynasty and ushered in period of cultural and territorial growth that is considered by some as the high point of Chinese history
Consolidated control of China through several administrative reforms including the continued development of the examination system, as well as a reduction in the number of bureaucratic positions
Approach was successful in ensuring a focus on a smaller number of bureaucrats that were significantly more educated and competent than previous administrations
Thanks to the introduction of a new drought-resistant strain of rice known as Champa rice (from modern-day Vietnam), populations swelled during the Tang era
Were successful for the first 100-150 years in acquiring territory through conquest, marriage, and diplomacy—most notably the Turkish nomadic polities to the north and west
Expansion was eventually halted in Korea to the east, and against an alliance of Turks and Arabs to the West, but the kingdom exceeded the maximum territorial extent of the revered Han Dynasty
Figures such as Han Yu sought to reinvigorate and reform Confucianism by removing some (but not all) of the more spiritual and mystical elements that had been 'tainted' by Taoism and Buddhism
Edicts on Buddhism under Emperor Wuzong (840-846)
1. Effectively annihilated Buddhism by persecuting, confiscating, and destroying Buddhist temples, monks, and relics
2. While some of the motivations were financial, it also achieved its goal of 'cleansing' China of foreign beliefs
Song Dynasty (960-1279)
Unified most of China, maintaining a hold of parts of China until its conquest by the Mongols in 1279
Continued the Chinese imperial golden age through its cultural, academic, technological, literary, economic, and militaristic innovations
Continued the Neo-Confucian belief systems, as well as the examination systems, to fill the positions of bureaucratic elites in the government
Emphasis on maritime ventures, both militaristically and economically
State endorsed commercial practices that focused on merchant exchanges and the production of goods for profit
Established and maintained the first standing navy to protect their assets and holdings
Innovations under the Song Dynasty
First known use of gunpowder
First true north compass
First to issue state paper money
Early Chinese industrial revolution in the steel and iron industries
The continued production and exchange of luxury goods such as porcelain, silk, tea, etc., along with quality iron and steel goods, made trade with China highly desirable
The Chinese emperor and officials increasingly saw themselves as the greatest civilization on earth, claiming to need nothing from other civilizations and requiring submission and tribute from any kingdoms that desired trade with the Song Dynasty
A tribute system had more clearly developed in China, both as a requirement for trade, as well as annual tributes from neighboring states (those in Korea, Japan, the steppe, Southeast Asia, etc.) who wished to keep positive relations with China
The Song Dynasty struggled to maintain the integrity of their borders to the north to the Jurchen-led Jin Dynasty (located in modern-day Manchuria), and losing northern China
Shortly after the loss of northern China, the Song Dynasty would experience a gradual decline and loss of territory to invading Mongolian (nomadic steppe peoples) forces
By 1279, the Mongolian-led Yuan Dynasty conquered and absorbed the Song Dynasty, ushering in a period of rule in China by non-Han peoples that lasted until roughly 1368
The legacy of the Song Dynasty, and Chinese culture at the time, remains controversial, including the growth in popularity of foot binding