Cards (28)

  • Tibialis Anterior
    • O: Lateral Surface of Shaft of Tibia and Interosseous Membrane
    • I: Medial Cuneiform and Base of 1st Metatarsal Bone
    • N: Deep Fibular Nerve L4-L5
    • A: Extends Foot at Ankle Joint; Inverse Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Holds Up Medial Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Extensor Digitorum Longus
    • O: Anterior Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Extensor Expansion of Lateral Four Toes
    • N: Deep Fibular Nerve L5-S1
    • A: Extends Toes; Extends Foot at Ankle Joint
  • Fibularis Tertius
    • O: Anterior Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of 5th Metatarsal Bone
    • N: Deep Fibular Nerve L5-S1
    • A: Extends Foot at Ankle Joint; Everts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints
  • Extensor Hallucis Longus
    • O: Anterior Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of Distal Phalanx of Great Toe
    • N: Deep Fibular Nerve L5-S1
    • A: Extends Big Toe; Extends Foot at Ankle Joint; Inverts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints
  • Peroneus Longus
    • O: Lateral Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of 1st Metatarsal and Medial Cuneiform
    • N: Superficial Fibular Nerve L5-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Everts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Supports Lateral Longitudinal and Transverse Arches of Foot
  • Peroneus Brevis
    • O: Lateral Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of 5th Metatarsal Bone
    • N: Superficial Fibular Nerve L5-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Everts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Supports Lateral Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Gastrocnemius
    • O: Lateral Head from Lateral Condyle of Femur and Medial Head from Above Medial Condyle
    • I: Via Tendo Calcaneus into Posterior Surface of Calcaneum
    • N: Tibial Nerve S1-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexes at Ankle Joint; Flexes Knee Joint
  • Plantaris
    • O: Lateral Supracondylar Ridge of Femur
    • I: Posterior Surface of Calcaneum
    • N: Tibial Nerve S1-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Flexes Knee Joint
  • Soleus
    • O: Shafts of Tibia and Fibula
    • I: Via Tendo Calcaneus into Posterior Surface of Calcaneum
    • N: Tibial Nerve S1-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexor of Ankle Joint; Provides Main Propulsive Force in Walking and Running
  • Popliteus
    • O: Lateral Surface of Lateral Condyle of Femur
    • I: Posterior Surface of Shaft of Tibia Above Soleal Line
    • N: Tibial Nerve L4-S1
    • A: Flexes Leg at Knee Joint; Unlocks Knee Joint by Lateral Rotation of Femur on Tibia and Slackens Ligaments of Joint
  • Flexor Digitorum Longus
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shaft of Tibia
    • I: Bases of Distal Phalanges of Lateral Four Toes
    • N: Tibial Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Distal Phalanges of Lateral Four Toes; Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Supports Medial and Lateral Longitudinal Arches of Foot
  • Flexor Hallucis Longus
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of Distal Phalanx of Big Toe
    • N: Tibial Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Distal Phalanx of Big Toe; Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Supports Medial Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Tibialis Posterior
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shafts of Tibia and Fibula and Interosseous Membrane
    • I: Tuberosity of Navicular Bone and Other Neighboring Bones
    • N: Tibial Nerve L4-L5
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Inverts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Supports Medial Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Abductor Hallucis
    • O: Medial Tuberosity of Calcaneum and Flexor Retinaculum
    • I: Base of Proximal Phalanx of Big Toe
    • N: Medial Plantar S2-S3
    • A: Flexes and Abducts Big Toe; Braces Medial Longitudinal Arch
  • Flexor Digitorum Brevis
    • O: Medial Tubercle of Calcaneum
    • I: Four Tendons to Four Lateral ToesBorders of Middle Phalanx
    • N: Medial Plantar S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Lateral Four Toes; Braces Medial and Lateral Longitudinal Arches
  • Abductor Digiti Minimi
    • O: Medial and Lateral Tubercles of Calcaneum
    • I: Base of Proximal Phalanx of Fifth toe
    • N: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexor and Abducts Fifth Toe; Braces Lateral Longitudinal Arch
  • Quadratus Plantae
    • O: Medial and Lateral Sides of Calcaneum
    • I: Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Longus
    • N: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Assists Flexor Digitorum Longus in Flexing Lateral Four Toes
  • Lumbricals (4)

    • O: Tendons of Flexor Digitorum Longus
    • I: Dorsal Extensor Expansion
    • N: First Lumbrical: Medial Plantar Nerve; Remainder: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Extends Toes at Interphalangeal Joint
  • Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendon
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shaft of Tibia
    • I: Bases of Distal Phalanges of Lateral Four Toes
    • N: Tibial Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Distal Phalanges of Lateral Four Toes; Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Supports Medial and Lateral Longitudinal Arches of Foot
  • Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shaft of Tibia
    • I: Bases of Distal Phalanx of Big Toe
    • N: Tibial Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Distal Phalanx of Big Toe; Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Support Medial Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Flexor Hallucis Brevis
    • O: Cuboid, Lateral, Cuneiform, Tibialis Posterior Insertion
    • I: Medial Tendon into Medial Side of Base of Proximal Phalanx of Big Toe; Lateral Tendon into Lateral Side of Base of Proximal Phalanx of Big Toe
    • N: Medial Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Metatarsophalangeal Joint of Big Toe; Supports Medial Longitudinal Arch
  • Adductor Hallucis
    • O: Oblique Head Bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Metatarsal Bones; Transverse Head from Plantar Ligaments
    • I: Lateral Side of Base of Proximal Phalanx of Big Toe
    • N: Deep Branch Lateral Plantar S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Metatarsophalangeal Joint of Big Toe; Holds Together Metatarsal Bones
  • Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
    • O: Base of 5th Metatarsal Bone
    • I: Lateral Side of Base of Proximal Phalanx of Little Toe
    • N: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Flexes Metatarsophalangeal Joint of Little Toe
  • Interossei Dorsal (4)

    • O: Adjacent Sides Metatarsal Bones
    • I: Bases of Proximal Phalanges — First: Medial Side of 2nd Toe; Remainder: Lateral Sides of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Toes — also Dorsal Extensor Expansion
    • N: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Abduction of Toes; Flexes Metatarsophalangeal Joints and Extends Interphalangeal Joints
  • Interossei Plantar (3)

    • O: Inferior Surfaces of 3rd, 4th and 5th Metatarsal Bones
    • I: Medial Side of Bases of Proximal Phalanges of Lateral Three Toes
    • N: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2-S3
    • A: Adduction of Toes; Flexes Metatarsophalangeal Joints and Extends Interphalangeal Joints
  • Fibularis Longus Tendon
    • O: Lateral Surface of Shaft of Fibula
    • I: Base of 1st Metatarsal and Medial Cuneiform
    • N: Superficial Fibular Nerve L5-S2
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Everts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Supports Lateral Longitudinal and Transverse Arches of Foot
  • Tibialis Posterior Tendon
    • O: Posterior Surface of Shafts of Tibia and Fibula and Interosseous Membrane
    • I: Tuberosity of Navicular Bone and Other Neighboring Bones
    • N: Tibial Nerve L4-L5
    • A: Plantar Flexes Foot at Ankle Joint; Inverts Foot at Subtalar and Transverse Tarsal Joints; Supports Medial Longitudinal Arch of Foot
  • Extensor Digitorum Brevis
    • O: Anterior Part of Upper Surface of Calcaneum and Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
    • I: By Four Tendons into the Proximal Phalanx of Big Toe and Long Extensor Tendons to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Toes
    • N: Deep Fibular Nerve S1-S2
    • A: Extends Toes