organiccompounds that containhydroxyl (-OH) functionalgroup
General formula CnH(2n+1)OH
Physical Properties of alcohols
boilingpointincreasesdownhomologousseries, intermolecularforces of attractionincrease as molecularsize of alcoholsincreases, thus moreenergyrequired to overcomeintermolecularforces of attraction
Solubilitydecreases as relativemolecularmassincreases
Alcohols are not alkalis!!
Chemical properties of alcohols
Undergo completecombustion by burning in excessoxygen to form carbon dioxide and water
burn with cleanblueflame without soot as percentage by mass of carbon in them is lowercompared to alkane and alkene
alcohols with hydroxylgroupbonded to carbonatom at end of their carbonchain are oxidised to carboxylicacids when they are heated with oxidisingagents (e.g. acidifiedpotassiummanganate (VII))
Formation of ethanol (Hydration)
addition of steam to ethene (Hydration)
Ethene reacts with steam at 300degreecelcius and 60atm in the presence of phosphoric(V) acid (H3PO4) catalyst to form ethanol
Formation of ethanol (fermentation)
ethanol can be produced by fermentation of glucose in fruits, vegetables or grains
During fermentation, yeast acts on glucose in the absence of oxygen to form ethanol and carbondioxide
Hightemperatures cause the enzymes in yeast to denature and fermentation to stop
Fermentation takes longer than hydration but is a moresustainablemethod of producingethanol as startingmaterials are obtained from renewableresources (e.g. sugarcane)