organiccompounds that containcarboxyl(-COOH) functionalgroup
Physical properties of carboxylicacids
Boilingpointincreasesdownhomologous series, intermolecularforces of attractionincrease as molecularsizeincreases, moreenergyrequired to overcomeintermolecular foa
Highermeltingpoint and boilingpoint than alcohols and hydrocarbons with samenumber of carbonatoms
soluble in water
Chemical properties of carboxylicacids
weakacids that ionisepartially in water to form carboxylateions and hydrogenions
Metalion forms salt with carboxylateion to formcarboxylicacid
react with reactivemetals to formcarboxylate salts and hydrogen gas (MASH)
react with metalcarbonates to formcarboxylatesalts, water and carbondioxide (AC SCW)
React with bases to formcarboxylatesalts and water (AA SW)
React with alcohols to formesters and water
Formation of ethanoicacid
formed by heatingmixture of ethanol and acidifiedpotassiummanganate (VII) which acts as the oxidisingagent
Ethanoicacid can also be formed by reactingethanol with oxygen, ethanol is slowlyoxidised to ethanoicacid by bacteriapresent in air