Determine the location within the human body where each of the following aspects of lipid digestion occurs: Interaction with bile occurs
Small Intestine
Determine the location within the human body where each of the following aspects of lipid digestion occurs: Monoacylglycerols are produced
Small intestine
Determine the location within the human body where each of the following aspects of lipid digestion occurs: Chyme is produced
Determine the location within the human body where each of the following aspects of lipid digestion occurs: Gastric lipases are active
Which of the following statements about digestion of the dietary triacylglycerol in adults is correct?
a.It begins in the stomach
b. It occurs to a small extent (10%) in the stomach
c. It occurs only in the small intestine
d. no correct response
The semi-liquid material chyme is formed in the stomach
The major function of bile released during triacylglycerol digestion is to act as an emulsifier
The two major products of triacylglycerol digestion in the small intestine are fatty acids and monoacylglycerols
Lipoproteins that transport triacylglycerols from intestinal cells to the bloodstream are called chylomicrons
Hormone-sensitive lipase needed for triacylglycerol mobilization is activated by cAMP
In triacylglycerol mobilization, triacylglycerol molecules undergo hydrolysis
Which of the following is not a product of triacylglycerol mobilization?
a.fatty acids
b. glycerol
c. ATP
d. no correct response
The first stage of glycerol metabolism is a two-step process in which glycerol is converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate
What is the intermediate compound in the two-step first stage of glycerol metabolism?
a.glycerol 2-phosphate
b. glycerol 3-phosphate
c. dihydroxyacetone phosphate
d. no correct response
After the first stage of glycerol metabolism, the remaining stages are the same as glucose pathways
Indicate at what step in the B-oxidation pathway each of the following events occurs: A carbon-carbon single bond is converted to a carbon-carbon double bond
Step 1
Indicate at what step in the B-oxidation pathway each of the following events occurs: NAD+ is reduced to NADH
Step 3
Indicate at what step in the B-oxidation pathway each of the following events occurs: A hydration reaction occurs
Step 2
Indicate at what step in the B-oxidation pathway each of the following events occurs: An acetyl CoA molecule is produced
Step 4
Match each of the following characteristics of the B-oxidation pathway to the terms: The enzyme needed is thiolase
Thiolysis (Step 4)
Match each of the following characteristics of the B-oxidation pathway to the terms: The enzyme needed id acyl CoA dehydrogenase
First dehydrogenation (Step 1)
Match each of the following characteristics of the B-oxidation pathway to the terms: The substance trans-enoyl CoA is a product
First dehydrogenation (Step 1)
Match each of the following characteristics of the B-oxidation pathway to the terms: The substance B-ketoacyl CoA is a reactant
Thiolysis (Step 4)
In the oxidation of fatty acids, the CoA and ATP are needed to initially activate a fatty acid molecule
In the oxidation of fatty acids, the carnitine shuttles activated fatty acid molecules across the inner mitochondrial membrane
The correct response for the four reactions of the B-oxidation pathway in terms of the "functional group acted upon" is alkane, alkene, 2* alcohol, ketone
The correct sequence for the four reactions of the B-oxidation pathway in terms of the "type of reaction occurring" is dehydrogenation, hydration, dehydrogenation, thiolysis
There are 7 turns of B-oxidation pathway needed to "process" a C16 unsaturated fatty acid
There are 9 acetyl CoA molecules are produced when a C18 fatty acid is completely processed through the B-oxidation pathway
There are 1 FADH2 and 1 NADH molecules produced during one turn of the fatty acid B-oxidation pathway
Net ATP production during a B-oxidation process is always 2 less than gross ATP production because ATP is consumed in fatty acid
Identify the ketone body to which it applies: It is a C4 molecule
Acetoacetate and B-hydroxybutyrate
Identify the ketone body to which it applies: It is a ketoacid
Identify the ketone body to which it applies: It can be produced by reduction of acetoacetate
Identify the ketone body to which it applies: Its structure contains a ketone functional group
Acetoacetate and acetone
Which of the following is not a ketone body?
b. B-hydroxybutyrate
c. acetone
d. no correct response
There are 2 ketone bodies in C4 molecules
There are 3 acetyl CoA molecules used as a reactant in the process of ketogenesis
The correct sequence for the four reactions of ketogenesis in terms of the "type of reaction occurring" is condensation, condensation, cleavage, hydrogenation
The characterization C4 + C2 -> C6 applies to step 2 in the process of ketogenesis