A process that results when the characteristics of a population of organisms change because individuals with certain inherited traits survive specific local environmental conditions and through reproduction, pass on their traits to their offspring
Felt species increased in complexity over time, until they achieved a level of perfection
Felt characteristics that were acquired during an organism's lifetime could be passed on to its offspring – called this the inheritance of acquired characteristics
Fossil record shows the history of life by showing the species that were alive in the past
Fossils found in young layers of rock (from recent times) are more similar to species that are alive today than fossils found in older, deeper rocks
Fossils appear in chronological order to the rock layers so probably ancestors to species can be found in older rocks
Not all organisms appear in the fossil record at the same time – fossil record shows that fish are the oldest vertebrate, amphibians came later, reptiles came later, mammals and birds came later than that
The fossil record reinforces the idea that amphibians evolved from ancestral fish, reptiles evolved form ancestral amphibians, mammals and birds evolved from different groups of reptiles
Structures that have similar structural elements and origin but may have a different function. They are similar because they came from a common ancestor.
Another word for plant and animal breeding, in which people breed individuals with desired characteristics in order to get offspring with those same characteristics