pseudostratifedcolumnarciliated epithelium with goblet cells
PaO2 = arterial partial pressure of oxygen
there needs to be enough oxygen for basalmetabolism
PaCO2 is linked to a pH or roughly 7.4
the left lung is smaller due to the heart
lungs are surrounded by the pleural membrane
the wall of the lung is covered by the visceral pleura
entry point into the lungs is the hillum
the tertiary bronchi feed each lungsegment
layers of capillaries: simplesquamousepithelium, basementmembrane, endothelium,basementmembrane
alveoli is surrounded by elastic fibres and capillaries
pulmonaryventilation, externalrespiration, transport of respiratorygases, internalrespiration
pulmonary ventilation
movement of air into and outofthelungs
external respiration
movement of oxygen from the lungs to the blood, and from blood to the lungs
transport of respiratory gases
transport of oxygen from lungs to the tissuecells, and co2 from the tissuecells to lungs
internal respiration
movement of oxygen from blood to tissuecells, and co2 from tissuecells to the blood
lungs are separated by the heart and mediastinum
the cardiac notch is where the heart lies
upper respiratory tract
nasalcavity, pharynx
lower respiratory tract
larynx, trachea, bronchialtree
the trachea is between the 7th and 5ththoracic vertebrae
point of division into primarybronchi
pseudostratifiedciliated epithelium with goblet cells
3 lobes on the right, and 2 lobes on the left
type 1 alveolar cells
single layer of squamous epithelial cells
type 2 alveolar cells
cuboidal epitheliumssecretingsurfactant
partial pressure gradient drives movement
ventilation and perfusion maintain partialpressure differences between air and blood
continually renewingair that is in contact with membrane
right ventricle of the heart pumping blood through pulmonary circulation
flow is proportional to the pressuredifference between two points and is inversely proportional to resistance
goal is to increase volume of thoraciccavity, requires ADP, diaphragm flattens and increasesheight of thoracic cage, externalintercostalmuscles increase width of thoracic cage
the diaphragm can increase volume of thoraciccavity above normal volume by using pecminor and major