Largest and most diversified group under the phylum Arthropoda, Characterized as having three-body sections namely the head, thorax and abdomen, Head: commonly has a pair of antennae and a pair of compound eyes, three ocelli and a variable mouth apparatus adapted for the purposed of either chewing, sucking, piercing or sponging/lapping, Thorax: has a pair of walking legs per tagma, two pairs of wings attached to the metathorax, Abdomen: composed of 11 segments typically terminating with a pair of cerci, Integument: made up of overlapping plates composed of chitin and cuticle, Digestive: complete digestive system with a crop leading to the stomach, Circulatory: open type composed of a dorsally located tubular heart pumping colorless or green blood in the haemocoel, Respiratory: through the spiracles located on the sides of the abdomen and connects to the tracheal system, Excretory: via malphighian tubules forming uric acid, Nervous: composed of one brain and a ventrally fused nerve cord, Reproductive: dioecious with sexual reproduction culminating in internal fertilization, Habitat: found primarily in terrestrial ecosystems