Cards (48)

    A set of situations that makes possible to do something.
    media improver the efficiency of the economy by profiding actors more and belief.
    As we know from the recent ubiquity of online digital video, video has become a compelling tool for educational representation.
    how learners and teachers make meaning of events From both individual and multiple point of viewing.
  • AS A STUDENT media increase the student collaboration, improve participation, content, rich resources, and useful to team projects.
  • HIGHLY VISUAL EVOLUTION learners have been able to integrate a variety of digital media forms into documents multimedia, Hypermedia, new media.
    • Social media has taken this a step further .
    You get all of the latest trending news storiev and opinions shared by your frierid whenever You log on.
    DIRECT INTERACTION WITH POLITICIANS • One of the positive effects that social media has on politics opportunity for voters to interad more easily with candidater and elected officials.
    DEMOGRAPHIC AND TARGETING • used throughout the advertising industry to make sure that ads messages reach the right audience. Politicians do this as well.
    media becomes as essential as our daily needs. Media acts as watching to protect public intered against malpractice and create public awareness > Tourism > Freedom of Expression >Communication
  • CHALLENGES -It is something now and difficult which requires great effort and determination. >Identity theft > Illegal Content > copyright infringement > cyberaime
  • THREAT seeing violent media content can make likely that someone behave in an aggressive or violent way.
  • RISK
    Even with the tight security setting your personal information may leak ons social sites.
  • ABUSE Addicting on social media has an effect in our daill lifestyle. It give unhealthy condition in our body.
    Oversharing, Downloading, your videos or pictures and copying your status is an easy task, but it gives you risk to your family. because you give them a information or idea about yourself.
  • POWER the concentration of symbolic power in media institutions, particularly those of television, radio and press.
  • PEOPLE MEDIA person that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and production of media and information
  • PEOPLE AS MEDIA people who are well-oriented to media sources and messages and able to provide information ar accurate and reliable as possible.
  • PEOPLE IN MEDIA media practitioners who provide information, coming from their expert knowledge of first-hand experience of event. > Print Journalist > Broadcast Journalists >photo Journalist > multimedia Journalists
    learning at any time, at any place
  • PERMANENCY learning materials are always available unless purporely deleted.
  • ACCESSIBILITY Access from everywhere ar personally required
  • IMMEDIACY: Wherever a student is he/she can Immediately access learning materials.
    online collaboration with teachers and/or peers (chat/blogs/Forums).
  • SITUATED INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES learning in context (on-site).
    Getting the right information at right place for the right student
    Massive, open, online, course
    There may be 100,000+ students in a mooc.
  • OPEN
    Anyone, anywhere can register For these courses
    course work is delivered entirely over the internet.
    MOOC art vely similar to most online college courser
  • COURSE - very similar to most online college courses.
  • ONLINE - delivered entirely over the internet
  • OPEN - anyone, anywhere can register
  • MASSIVE - big amount of students
  • TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Google Glass iPhone watch Fitbit Charge 2 "fitness wristband" HTC Vive VR Headset "virtual reality" Microsoft HoloLens "augmented reality" HTC Vive VR Headset "virtual reality" Microsoft HoloLens "augmented reality" 3D Printer
  • Citizen Journalism -News reporting that is done by the people instead of professional journalists.
    the original model of something from which later forms are develop, an original model on which something is pattern
  • TEXT a simple flexible format of representing information or conveying ideas whether handwritten, printed or displayed on screen. any human readable sequence of characters
  • It is the power to influence people's thinking, emotions and finally behavior Power of media