minority influence

Cards (6)

  • Minority influence

    When a smaller group makes a larger majority conform to their view via internalisation (where the minority of the group is the one influencing)
  • Strength
    • Minority influence results in individuals internalising new ideas. Smith et al (1996) found that if a majority discussed and thought about the issues the minority addressed out forward then minority influence would be more likely or stronger so internalisation of new ideas affects a stronger social influence than just conforming to a social norm.
  • strength
    • Moscovici (1976) states that a minority can socially influence groups. He states that minority influence comes from informational social influence. The evidence from his study of using a minority of confederates to claim their belief that the 36 blue slides he showed were green to influence the majority supports his theory of minority influence as 8.4% of the majority changed their beliefs and stated that the slides were green when the minority was consistent with their answers
  • Weakness
    Moscovici 1969 - 8.4% when consistent so minority influence is not a successful way of social influence if they are not consistent
  • Weakness
    • Nemeth (1986) found that inflexibility of minorities will reduce likelihood of social influence and make it less likely that the majority will change their ideas, so minority influence is not successful in cases where the minority is not flexible.
  • weakness
    • The social impact theory predicts that as the size of the majority increases, the influence of the minority decreases, both in public and in private there is an attitude change