Acid rain - caused by nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide produced by both natural processes and combustion of fossil fuels; these oxides react with oxygen and water to give nitric acid and sulfur acid.
Formation of the ozone layer in the atmosphere - begins with photolysis of oxygen molecules by solar radiation of wavelength below 240 mm.
Photochemical smog - a type of air pollution that happens when primary pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and volatile organic compounds react with dioxide and the ozone layer under the influence of sunlight.
Fire control - various materials act as fuel to sustain fire so different fire prevention and control measures are recommended for ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids or gases, electrical equipment and flammable metals.
Corrosion control - a natural process which can convert a refined metal to a more chemically stable form such as its oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide; gradual destruction of materials by chemical or electrochemical reaction with their environment.
Food processing and preservation - chemical reactions in food can be indicated by a sudden change in appearance, smell, or taste.