Interactionism - Labelling Theory

Cards (6)

  • 2 Strengths of Interactionism
    Strength - Highlights role of media creating deviance and producing moral panic.
    Strength - Highlights weaknesses in official statistics; allows bias in law enforcement.
  • 2 Limitations of Interactionism
    Limitation - Doesn't explain why deviant behaviour happens in first place. No acceptance that some people may choose deviance.
    Limitation - Ignores victim of crime and focuses on the criminal. Potentially romanticises crime.
  • What did Becker and Lemert suggest about labelling?
    Becker - Crime is subjective concept, authorities label certain acts as criminal or deviant and then behaviour will be punished accordingly.
    Lemert - Labelling is a cause of crime and deviance. Labelling certain people as deviant, society encourages them to become more so. Distinguishes between primary and secondary deviance.
  • Primary Deviance
    Act that has not been publicly labelled, mostly uncaught and often trivial e.g. smoking and drinking underage, downloading music illegally.
  • Secondary Deviance
    Results from labelling. People treat offenders in terms of their label, becomes their master status and can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • What happens as a result of labelling?
    Self-fulfilling prophecy is complete, offender may be rejected by society and forced into company of other offenders.