conformity is the change in a persons behaviour/opinions as result of real or imagined pressure from person or group
types of conformity
compliance is the change in public behaviour but not private beliefs
compliance is a short term change (only occurs in presence of group)
identification - change in both public behaviour and private beliefs only in presence of group
identification is a short term change
internalisation - changes in both public behaviour and private beliefs permanently
internalisation is the long term change as continues change even when away from the pressure group
deutsch and gerald - two process theory
states there are 2 explanations of conformity - 2 main reasons why people conform based on 2 central human needs (need to be right and need to be liked)
two process theory includes normative social influence and informative social infleunce
normative social influence is when individual conforms to be accepted into a certain group (need to be liked)
person conforms because it is socially rewarding or to avoid social punishment
normative social infleunce is an emotional process - associated with compliance and identification
informative social influence is when individual conforms to gain knowledge or they believe someone is right (need to be right)
person conforms because they want to be right
informative social influence is a cognitive process as it is to do with what we think
evaluation for explanations for conformity
research support for ISI
ISI and NSI working together
research support - Asch
research support for ISI as eval point for explanation for conformity
ISI is supported by research evidence
lucas et al asked students math questions - found conformity to answers they were struggling with was higher than those which were easy - suggested answers by mates were correct so conformed - most true when math ability was rated poor by students
study shows people conform in situations where they dont know answers so assume others are right
supports ISI as it shows individuals conform as they want to be right
ISI and NSI working together as eval point for explanations for conformity
two processtheory suggests behaviour is EITHER due to NSI or ISI when studies have found BOTH processes being involved
asch carried out experiment and found conformity was reduced when someone disagreed with rest of group - unclear whether cause was due to reduce in power of NSI (dissenter provided socialsupport) or reduce in power of ISI (bring out another source of info which could be deemed as correct)
theory to explaining conformity is limited - research suggests both processes are not separate
limits validity
research support (asch) as eval point for explan for conformity
there is research supporting NSI and ISI having role in conformity
asch investigated if individuals would conform to group even when they were incorrect - found 75% ptts conform at least once + 37% conformed to each trial
after experiment - interviewed ptts to find out why they conformed - some didnt want to be rejected by group (NSI) others believed group was right and they were wrong (ISI)
study provides evidence that people will conform to be right or to fit in which supports NSI and ISI explanations