Topic 7 - Modern Analytical Chemistry

Cards (16)

  • The infared spec is between 800-10000nm
  • Bonds are constantly vibrating, the absorption of IR radiation causes them to become excited
  • Bonds can shift in different ways, causing there to be a range in absorption
  • Only vibrations that produce or change dipoles can be observed
  • Wavenumber is proportional to the energy of the vibration
  • The fingerprint region is a complicated region with lots of small peaks
  • Each molecule has a different fingerprint region and this can be used to identify it against other molecules with the same functional groups
  • The IR spec is good for identifying impurities
  • When organic compounds are ionised for mass spec they can split into smaller organic compounds
  • If a molecule is put through a mas spectrometer it will fragment into smaller molecules
  • The largest m/z peak is the molecular ion peak
  • C-C bonds are the most common to fragment as carbocations are relatively stable
  • The fingerprint region is a very complicated region unique to each different type of molecule
  • Using an infared spec, you can identify bonds in molecules
  • Only molecule that can change their polarity are picked up on the infared spec
  • Diatomic molecule do not get picked up by infa red spec as the bonds do not change polarity when vibrating