Social issues

Cards (166)

  • los 'sin techo'

  • los necesitados

    the needy
  • un ladron

    a theif
  • un gamberro

    a hooligan
  • la pobreza

  • un vertedero

    rubbish tip
  • una ONG

    Non-profit organisation (NGO)
  • violento

  • me drogo
    I take drugs
  • Payaso

    a clown
  • nunca he vuelto

    I haven't gone back
  • entretener

    to entertain
  • me disfrazo

    I dress up
  • vender 

    to sell
  • me maltrataba

    he mistreated me
  • importar

    to be of importance
  • conseguir
    to make , to get
  • aunque
  • nadie

    no one
  • encontrar
    to find
  • Nunca quiero volver a mi casa

    I never want to go back to my home
  • Ella tampoco me quieria

    She didnt love me either
  • lo que

  • Tambien era violento con mi madre, pero a ella no le importaba lo que mi padre hacia conmigo, no le importaba mi vida, ella tampaco me queria

    Also he was violent with my mum but she did not care about what my dad was doing with me, she did not care about my life, she didnt love me
  • tabaquismo

  • pulmones 

  • problemas respiratorios 

    breathing problems
  • ataques cardiacos 

    heart attacks
  • primero auxilios 

    first aid
  • el cerebro 

    the brain
  • aguantar 

    to put up with , to hold
  • dejar
    to give up , to leave
  • sobre peso 

  • el peor problema 

    the worst problem
  • corazón 

  • Es importante que beba agua todas las días 

    It’s important to drink water everyday
  • Es esencial que dorma ocho horas todos las días 

    It is essential that you sleep eight hours every day
  • Es imperativo que estudie mucho

    It is imperative that you study a lot
  • Es importante que recicle mucho

    It is important that you recycle a lot
  • Mis padres quieren que haga ejercicio 

    My parents want me to exercise