aschs research into conformity includes the line experiment (1956)
procedure of asch experiment
123americanmale students thought they were participating in visual perception study
shown 2 white cards at time - standardline card, 3 lines on one card
ptts asked which of 3 matched standard line
on first few trials - confederates gave right answer - then started making mistakes (all gave same wrong answer)
real ptts always answers last or second to last
findings of asch research into conformity
37% responses from ptts on 12 trials were incorrect (conformed on all trials)
75% conformed at least once
25% never conformed
conclusions relating to NSI and ISI - why ptts conformed
distortion of action - did not want to stand out so conformed to group publicly but not privately (compliance)
distortion of judgement - doubted their accuracy (ISI)
conformed to avoid rejection (NSI)
variations which affect conformity
task difficulty as variation affecting conformity
when comparison lines were made more similar in length - was harder to judge correct answer
when uncertain, seem to look to others for confirmation - conformity increases
group size as variation affecting conformity
asch found conformity tends to increase as group size increases
1 confederate = 3% conformity
2 confederates = 13% conformity
4 considered optimal group size for conformity to occur
unanimity as variation affecting conformity
presence of non conformist affects ptts likelihood of conforming
adding confederate who disagreed with others - led to reduced conformity levels
evaluation points for asch research into conformity
ethical issues
lacks temporal validity
real world application
ethical issues being eval point for asch research into conformity
asch's research considered to have multiple ethical issues which impact experiment
BPS outlines 6 key guidelines all psychological research must follow to be considered when publishing (deception, consent)
in his study ptts were told they were participating in visual perception study when they were actually being studied for conformity - breaks guidelines as there was deception where ptts werent told truth
asch study considered as limited due to ethical problems being exposed to ptts
lacks temporal validity being eval point for asch research
perrin and spencer repeated study in UK later on - found there was only 1 conforming response out of 396 trials
when using youths on probation as ptts and confederates were probation officers - found higher levels of conformity
during time of asch study there were more risks associated with not conforming to certain american groups - explains why asch conformity rates were high
study is limited as it cannot be applied to other time periods due to circumstances that took place when conducted (e.g. mccarthyism)
real world application as eval point for asch's research
strength of asch's research is its application to real life situations
example - research shown for over 95% of cases - first vote of jury determines final verdict
by understanding the situations in which individuals conform it can be applied to variety of scenarios