Cards (20)

    -The word emotion dates back to 1579, when it was adapted from the French word emouvoir, which means “to stir from up”​
    -It is defined as an agitation, disturbance or tumultuous physical or social movement constituting a departure from the calm state of the organism as includes strong feeling, and impulse to overt action and internal bodily changes in respiration, circulation and granular reaction.​
    -Based on research Paul Ekman classified the six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise. ​
  • FEAR​ - An emotional response to specific danger that appears to beyond a person defensive power. ​
  • STIMULUS​ - A force of emotion reaching the organism and excite deceptors. In short is a force that arouses the organism of any part to activity. ​
  • DECEPTION​ - An act of deceiving or misleading usually accompanied by Lying.​
  • DETECTION​ - An act of discovery existence pressure or fact of something hidden or obscure. ​
  • LYING​ -  An uttering or conveying falsehood or creating a false statement.​
    Direct Denial - a lie that results to emotional disturbance. The disturbance is caused by conflict of a person’s conscience and his attempt to deceive. ​
  • Lie of Omission - the type of lie commonly used because it is easy to tell. The act of telling what transpired but omitting details that are incriminating. ​
  • Lie of Exaggeration - the type of lie used by a person who overplays what actually happened.​
  • Fabricated Lie - also called lie of fabrication. This is the most difficult type of lie that a subject could use in an interview. ​
    Benign or White Lie - Used to maintain harmony of friendship, harmony of the home or office. ​
  • Red Lie - sometimes called misinformation is a lie in the form of information that is seemingly valuable but is intended to destroy a political belief or ideology. Red Lie is better known in politics as propaganda. 
  •  Malicious Lie- A chronic lie use to mislead justice​
    Panic liar - One who lies in order to avoid the consequence of confession. He or she is afraid of embarrassment to love ones and is a serious blow to his or her ego. ​
  • Occupational Liar - Is someone who has lied for years. This person is a practical liar and lies when it has a higher pay-off than telling the truth.
  • Tournament Liar - One who loves to lie and is excited by the challenges of not being detected. He views an interview as another contest and wants to win. He lies because it is the only weapon remaining with which to fight. This person convicted but will not give anyone the satisfaction of hearing him or her to confess. He wants people to believe that the law is punishing an innocent person. ​
  • Ethnological Liar - Is one who is taught not to be a squealer. This person loves to interrogate to be interrogated and has taken a creed either personal or with others, that he or she will never reveal the truth, the creed of underworld gangs. ​
  • Psychopathic Liar - This person has no conscience. He or she shows no regret for his dishonest actions and no manifestation of guilt. This is the most difficult type of liar because he is a good actor. ​
  • Pathological Liar- This person who cannot distinguish what is right from wrong. These are those persons who are mentally sick. ​
  • Black Liar - one who enjoys pretending. A liar of this type is also known as hypocrite. ​
    Mythomania - It is the condition where there is an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating.​