AO1 - Ainsworth's Strange Situation: Types of Attachment

Cards (9)

  • Aim: to identify and categorise infant attachment styles
  • Method: controlled observation using the 'strange situation classification'
  • Sample: 100 middle-class American infants and their mothers
  • Ainsworth judges the child's reaction to four variables via a two-way mirror
    1. Willingness to explore environment
    2. Separation anxiety
    3. Stranger anxiety
    4. Reunion behaviour
  • Procedure (each episode lasts 3 minutes):
    1. Parent enters room with child, child explores - willingness to explore environment
    2. Stranger enters and joins the parent and infant, tries to interact with the child - stranger anxiety
    3. Parent leaves the infant with the stranger - stranger and separation anxiety
    4. Parent returns and the stranger leaves, the parent settles the infant - reunion behaviour
    5. Parent leaves the child alone - separation anxiety
    6. Stranger returns - stranger anxiety
    7. Parent returns and stranger leaves - reunion behaviour
  • Findings - 3 types of attachment:
    • Secure - 70% of the sample
    • Insecure avoidant - 20% of the sample
    • Insecure resistant - 10% of the sample
  • Secure attachment - responsive caregiver:
    • Willingness to explore environment: use mother as secure base
    • Separation anxiety: upset and subdued
    • Stranger anxiety: avoidant of stranger but friendly when mum there
    • Reunion behaviour: positive/happy
  • Insecure avoidant attachment - unresponsive caregiver:
    • Willingness to explore environment: willing to explore
    • Separation anxiety: unconcerned
    • Stranger anxiety: unconcerned, often avoidant of stranger and mother
    • Reunion behaviour: unresponsive
  • Insecure resistant attachment - inconsistent caregiver:
    • Willingness to explore environment: low willingness to explore
    • Separation anxiety: intensely distressed
    • Stranger anxiety: extreme fear of stranger
    • Reunion behaviour: clinginess mixed with rejection